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Financial Security: Saving and Investing

Last Updated: January 15, 2009 Related resource areas: Personal Finance

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Even though the words "saving" and "investing" are often used interchangeably, there are differences between the two.

Saving provides funds for emergencies and for making specific purchases in the relatively near future (usually three years or less). Safety of the principal and liquidity of the funds (ease of converting to cash) are important aspects of savings dollars. Because of these characteristics, savings dollars generally yield a low rate of return and do not maintain purchasing power.

time and money

Investing, on the other hand, focuses on increasing net worth and achieving long-term financial goals. Investing involves risk (of loss of principal) and is to be considered only after you have adequate savings.

Savings vs Investment Dollars
Savings $$ Investment $$
Safe Involve risk
Easily accessible Volatile in short time periods
Low return Offer potential appreciation
Used for short-term goals For mid- & long-term goals

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LKuykendall on 02.26.08 at 01:49 PM
I am looking for a savings account with a high interest rate. CitiFinancial seemed to have the highest interest rate and no minimum balance requirements;however,I have found several banks at with higher interest rates that have online accounts, but I am nervous about transferring a large amount of money (large to me) to an online account at a Bank that may not even have a branch in Houston. I try to find out if funds are FDIC insured but I am still quite nervous. How safe is it to invest money this way?
Nick Broady on 03.06.08 at 01:58 PM
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