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Financial Security: Home Ownership

Last Updated: January 15, 2009 Related resource areas: Personal Finance

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House with for Sale Sign

Home ownership is a financial goal for many people. A home is often the largest investment, and sometimes the only investment, that many people make. Given the low appreciation rate of real estate in some areas, it is probably better to think of purchasing a home as buying shelter, not as an investment that you expect to rapidly appreciate (increase in value). Home equity, the dollar value of a home in excess of the mortgage owed on it, is considered an asset against which you can borrow. This strategy must be used with extreme caution, however; you could lose your home if you do not repay the amount borrowed.

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K. Winstead on 07.10.08 at 05:08 PM
Via personal experience, I found that whether the market is good or bad, homes in areas with strong homeowners' associations tend to maintain their value. This is something to think about when making a home purchase. I would highly recommend asking HOA management about the likelihood of the HOA disbanding within a few years, because I didn't, and the beautiful, extremely well-built home that I kept well-maintained (and in good times was valued at $275,000) turned out to be the best home in a neighborhood filled up with rentals(80 percent) owned by people who cared nothing about the neighborhood. I had a lot of neighbors who, despite being "upside down" on their mortgages, adamantly opposed forming a Block Watch, an HOA, a coffee klatch or any type of group that might bring the value of their homes back up, yet they consistently complained the value of their homes was decreasing ever faster. The city does nothing because it doesn't have enough employees, doesn't care about the neighborhoods and behaves as though neighborhoods without HOAs should be "penalized". So my old neighborhood became crime-ridden, the walls covered with graffiti, etc. I realize a lot of people dislike HOAs, but the alternative could be a lot worse. Bullets coming through the walls of my home is not my idea of "freedom".
Neal Lee on 09.10.08 at 02:27 PM
Disappointing that there is NO information on this site related to short sales or options homeowners caught in the housing inflation crisis can pursue. Seems like you guys would be at the forefront, given the reliability of your information.

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