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Title: Ectomycorrhizal sporophore distributions in a southeastern Appalachian mixed hardwood/conifer forest with thickets of Rhododendron maximum
Author(s): Walker, John F.; Miller, Orson R. Jr.
Date: 2002
Source: Mycologia, 94(2), 2002, pp. 221–229.
Description: Sporophore abundance of putatively ectomycorrhizal fungi was compared in a mature mixed hardwood/conifer forest inside of (1) versus outside of (2) Rhododendron maximum thickets (RmT). Experimental blocks (1/4 ha) were established inside of (3) and outside of (3) RmT at the Coweeta Hydrologic Laboratory in Macon County, North Carolina, USA. Litter and organic layer substrates were removed, composited and redistributed among 90 2 x 2m plots within the blocks. Plots received either 1RmT or 2RmT litter, and either 1RmT or 2RmT organic layers, or were unmanipulated for controls. Sporophores of 67 putatively ectomycorrhizal species were collected from the blocks. Species diversity and overall community structure were similar inside of and outside of RmTs, and no grouping was detected by substrate type. Differences within the ectomycorrhizal fungus community were associated only weakly with environmental parameters, as indicated by ordination. In light of these results, recent observations of ectomycorrhizal suppression and strong shifts in the proportions of morphotypes on tree seedlings inside of RmT do not appear to be related to differences in sporophore distributions. The changes in seedling mycobiont dominance in relation to RmT and the influence this has on seedling health should be examined directly from root tips.
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