Purdue grad called hero after piloting Airbus to safe landing in Hudson River

The hero of flight 1549, Chesley B. Sullenberger III, walked the aisle of the downed US Airways jet twice looking for passengers before exiting the plane he safely ditched in the Hudson River, saving the lives of more than 150 on board.

Sulleberger graduated from Purdue in 1973 with a degree in psychology from what is now the College of Liberal Arts. Read more.

Eugene Cernan, most recent to walk on moon, donating papers to Purdue

Eugene A. Cernan, the most recent person to walk on the moon, will soon leave another footprint alongside Neil Armstrong, this time in Purdue University Libraries' Archives and Special Collections.

Cernan, a 1956 Purdue graduate, is donating his personal papers to the university's flight archives, Purdue President France A. Córdova announced on Friday, January 16. Córdova will make the announcement in Houston in an appearance with Cernan. Houston is home to Cernan and to NASA's center for U.S. space flight. Read more.

Indiana Innovation Alliance to hold Day at the Statehouse in February

Faculty, staff and students are invited to show support for the Indiana Innovation Alliance during the alliance's Day at the Statehouse on Feb. 17.

For information about Day at the Statehouse, including the agenda and an RSVP form, please go to the IIA Web site.

Purdue Alumni will host fan headquarters for Big Ten Tournaments

March means tournament time and thousands of faithful Boilermakers will head to Indianapolis to support the men’s and women’s basketball teams in Big Ten Tournament play.

Starting the Friday of both tournaments, the Alcatraz Brewing Company will be offering free soft drinks and snacks to all fans wearing Purdue gear. Come and get fired up before each game and celebrate after each game with Boilermakers from all over the country.

Find out more information about the Purdue fan headquarters and the Big Ten Tournament at

Also, be sure to download the Purdue fan one-page information sheet (PDF).

January/February 2009 Purdue Alumnus is online

Check out the first issue of the Purdue Alumnus online magazine of 2009!

Over the past year, we've brought you the stories of Purdue in ways that we couldn't in the print version. With video and audio content, you get the inside story on what's happening with your Boilermakers.

You can now click here and flip through the pages of the magazine. Featured in this issue are advancements made in the 50-year history of the Purdue vet school, 2008 Ironman World Championships contender Greg Kopecky, and many more stories.

Band alums -- sign up to march at the 2009 Indy 500!

The All American Marching Band will be marching at this year's Indy 500 and invites all band alumni to participate. Celebrate the 90th anniversary of the “All-American” Marching Band’s link with the “Greatest Spectacle in Racing.”

Visit the Purdue Band & Orchestra Alumni Club Web site for details and to sign up.

Interactive map will allow Purdue alumni, friends to track visits

Purdue President France A. Córdova will visit alumni and friends of the university nationwide in 2009 during Purdue On the Road events.

The visits will occur during tours of seven cities from early January to March. For the first time, the public will be able to keep tabs on where Córdova is headed, thanks to an interactive map that will launch on the president's Web page in early January. Read more.

Purdue degree ranks among nation's best buys

Purdue University ranks ninth nationally in SmartMoney magazine's college "payback" survey, which quantifies the long-term value of a college education. Read more.

Send personalized Purdue Alumni e-postcards to your friends and family!

The Purdue Alumni Association has created special e-postcards for you to send.

Choose from 15 different designs to send to your friends, family, coworkers, and fellow Boilermakers.

Click here to start sending!

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 Boilermaker Benefits

Boilermaker Football Weekend in Oregon

September 10–13, 2009

Join Boilermakers from around the United States as they descend on Oregon for a weekend of fun and football.

The Purdue Alumni Association is sponsoring a tour that will be headquartered in Portland at the Benson Hotel and feature sightseeing tours, a welcome reception, transportation to the game, and admission to the pregame tailgate.

Click here for complete details and a registration form.


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