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Introduction to Service-Learning

What Is Service-Learning?

The National Service-Learning Clearinghouse explains that, “Service-Learning is a teaching and learning strategy that integrates meaningful community service with instruction and reflection to enrich the learning experience, teach civic responsibility, and strengthen communities.” It identifies the major components of Service-Learning as meaningful learning experience, community service, and the teaching of civic responsibility.

Through academic Service-Learning programs, Purdue students apply their classroom experience to make a difference in the community. Currently there are 117 courses in 12 colleges that integrate the Service-Learning components into the design and implementation of the course.

Our Mission

The FURCO Diagram

One of the most recent definitions of Service-Learning is shown in the table below and which depicts the concept as Service-learning, Service-Learning, and service-Learning. A conceptual diagram is also available based on the definition.

“As the table describes, each program type places a different amount of emphasis on service and/or learning and is defined by whether the primary intended beneficiary of the experience is service provider or service recipient. Having a strong emphasis on providing a ‘service,’ community service programs ( Service-learning) are primarily intended to benefit the recipient of the service activity…In contrast, Service-Learning seeks to engage students in activities that both combine community service and academic learning. Because Service-Learning programs are typically rooted in formal courses (core academic, elective, vocational), the service activities are usually based on particular concepts that are being taught…In service based internship programs (service Learning), students tend to spend time at an agency to learn about a particular career industry while applying what their academic knowledge and professional skills to complete specific projects at the agency.”

  Community Service
( Service-learning )
( Service-Learning )
Service-Based Internship
( service-Learning )
Primary Intended Beneficiary Recipient Recipient AND Provider Provider
Primary Focus Service Service AND Learning Learning
Intended Educational Purposes Civic and Ethical Development Academic and Civic Development Career and Academic Development
Integration with Curriculum Peripheral Integrated Co-Curricular / Supplemental
Nature of Service Activity Based on a Social Cause Based on Academic Discipline Based on an Industry or Career

Source: Furco, Andrew (2002) “Is Service-Learning Really Better Than Community Service? A Study of High School Service Program Outcomes”. In Furco, Andrew & Billig, Shelly (Eds.). Service-Learning: The Essence of the Pedagogy. Information Age Publishing: Greenwich , CT.