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Vaughn and Cindy Pittz, recipients of a 2005 NCR-SARE Farmer Rancher Grant project, had their work with Aronia berries recently featured by DesMoinesRegister.com.

To read SARE reports from this project, visit the SARE reporting web site here.

Jim Koan

Check out Deborah Cavanaugh-Grant's publication , Reaping the Rewards of Our SARE Investment. The goal of this publication is to share the innovative work that Illinois NCR-SARE recipients have done over the years- answering the "so what?" question.

Earl Smith and the Hancock Harvest Council's 2006 NCR-SARE Farmer Rancher Grant project about marketing locally produced products was recently featured by Farm and Dairy.

To read the SARE reports from this project, visit the SARE reporting web site here.

Will Allen Will Allen, Founder and CEO of Growing Power, has been named a 2008 MacAthur Fellow for his work in urban farming. Growing Power has received and been involved in several NCR-SARE grants.

birdsfoot trefoil

Photo of birdsfoot trefoil from the NRCS National Plant Materials Center Photo Gallery, NETSC

Calvin Adams' 2007 Farmer Rancher Grant was featured by American Cowman. Adams project will look at the effects of adding legume crops such as grazing tolerant alfalfa, birdsfoot trefoil, hairy vetch, and several others to his pastures.

To read more about his project, visit the SARE reporting web site here.


Mary Holz-Clause, Margaret Smith, Terry Gompert, and Laura Paine's 2007 Research and Education Project was featured by Beef Magazine. Their project aims to work with beef producers to collect accurate, current production costs and to document methods, techniques, and the knowledge contributing to success of these businesses.

To read more about their project, visit the SARE reporting web site here.



Current Issue of the NCR-SARE Newsletter

Henry Brockman

The Summer/Fall 2008 issue of Field Notes is now available online. Read about NCR-SARE's first ever Diversity Grant Winner, Barbara Norman, and more...

Please scroll down to the bottom of the page for the archived issues of Field Notes.

Archived NCR-SARE Field Notes Newsletters

Field Notes is a newsletter that shares announcements and news topics from the North Central Region SARE program. It is mailed to subscribers upon request. E-mail us to request printed copies or to subscribe to the printed version.

Past issues of Field Notes and our former publication Program Notes may be viewed below.

For archived issues, look below. For the current issue of Field Notes, click here.


WinterSpring 2008, Read about NCR-SARE's 2008 Madden Award Winner, Henry Brockman, urban agriculture in Kansas City, and more... PDF File


No.18, Read about newly funded Bioenergy projects, and the the high tunnels at Huns Gardens in Kansas City, KS
PDF File

No.17, NCR-SARE's Role in the Bioenergy's Future, and the artisan of cheese, Charuth van Beuzekom-Loth.
PDF File
No. 16, Rex Spray Receives 2006 NCR-SARE Madden Award PDF File

No. 15, Ag Loans and the Sustainable Farmer
PDF File
No. 14, People and Projects
PDF File

No. 13, Agroforestry
PDF File or HTML

Winter/Spring 2002

No. 11, Alternative Crops
PDF File or HTML

Summer/Fall 2001

No. 10, The New American Farmer: Successful Marketing in Ohio
PDF File or HTML
Spring/Summer 2001
No. 9, The New American Farmer: Diversification in Nebraska
PDF File or HTML
Winter/Spring 2001
No. 8, Alternative Marketing on a Conventional Farm
PDF File or HTML
Fall/Winter 2000/01
No. 7, Watering Systems
PDF File or HTML
Summer/Fall 2000
No. 6, Farmer Networks
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Winter/Spring 2000
No.5, Cooperatively Producing and Marketing All Natural Beef 
PDF File or HTML
Summer/Fall 1999
No.4, Pastured Poultry, Co-op Style
PDF File or HTML
Spring/Summer 1999
No.3, Composting
PDF File or HTML
Winter/Spring 1999
No.2, Swine Production
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Fall/Winter 1998/99
No.1, Cover Crops
PDF File or HTML
Summer/Fall 1998



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