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Data and Statistics
Pre-Extracted Data by Year

The following files are available by year from 1970-2006 (updated monthly). There is one zip file for each year.


1970 Data

1971 Data

1972 Data

1973 Data

1974 Data

1975 Data

1976 Data

1977 Data

1978 Data

1979 Data

1980 Data

1981 Data

1982 Data

1983 Data

1984 Data

1985 Data

1986 Data

1987 Data

1988 Data

1989 Data

1990 Data

1991 Data

1992 Data

1993 Data

1994 Data

1995 Data

1996 Data

1997 Data

1998 Data

1999 Data

2000 Data

2001 Data

2002 Data

2003 Data

2004 Data

2005 Data

2006 Data



Last modified: 10/03/07

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