Live Blog Start Example

Click the green button in the center of an active live blog to start participating.

Live Blog Auto-Scroll

Auto-scroll for this blog is ON. Click the scroll icon in an active blog to turn it off.

What is a live blog? Right now, reporters and members of the community are filing reports directly from events to your computer screen.

The Inauguration of Barack Obama

Follow The Bee's Ed Fletcher live as he begins his journey to Washington, D.C., to witness history. He will be contributing from a twitter account as "sb_inauguration" as well as typing into the live blog directly.

Want to contribute on the go?
- iPhones and some smartphones: Point your mobile browser to:

Live Blog Viewing Tips

1. The best experience comes from reading, watching and occasionally sending in a comment or voting on the polling questions.

2. This is not a chat room. We have selected the events so that you get the feeling of "being there." and finding out what someone has to say about an event.

3. Your comments are published at the editor's discretion. They see everything but only publish comments that are relevant to the discussion or blog. In other words, stay on point.

4.The "autoscroll" feature ensures that you'll always see the newest content without having to refresh or scroll your screen. You can toggle on or off by using the controls at the bottom of the live blog.

5.You will hear a little "beep" when new content is posted. This can also be toggled on or off. It's your choice.

Live Blog Start Example

Click this green button in the center of an active live blog to start watching and participating.
Live Blog Auto-Scroll

Auto-scroll for this blog is OFF. Click this icon to turn it on.

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