• BRIAN BAER/bbaer@sacbee.com

    Californians who have been affected by past budget cuts and who fear new cuts growing out of the state's current fiscal crisis rally at the state Capitol on Wednesday.

Capitol and California - State Politics
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Looking at state of disarray

Published: Thursday, Jan. 15, 2009 | Page 1A

Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger is running out of good things to say about California. As he prepares to give his annual State of the State address today, he faces a $40 billion budget deficit, rising unemployment, sinking approval ratings and demands from activists who want to protect their programs from budget cuts.


Schwarzenegger's State of the State speeches

In past years, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger has praised everything from post-partisan cooperation to the high amounts of sunshine in the Golden State under his leadership. This year, he may be left with little more than the sunshine.

Here's a look at themes and memorable quotes from his first five State of the State speeches:

2004 | The Year of the Boxes

Theme: Reorganizing and streamlining state government to make it more efficient and accountable.

Memorable line: "Every governor proposes moving boxes around to reorganize government. I don't want to move boxes around; I want to blow them up."

Outcome: A huge task force came up with a lot of ideas, but most of them went nowhere.

2005 | The Year of Reform

Theme: Making "reforms" that included automatic spending cuts, tying teacher pay to performance, changing the state employees' pension system and revamping the redistricting process.

Memorable line: "If we here in this chamber don't work together to reform government, the people will rise up and reform it themselves. And I will join them."

Outcome: The governor sponsored four ballot initiatives. Voters rejected all of them.

2006 | The Year of Growth

Theme: Investing in California's infrastructure by selling construction bonds.

Memorable line: "We need more roads, more hospitals, more schools, more nurses, more teachers, more police, more fire, more water, more energy, more ports … more, more, more."

Outcome: Voters approved a $42.7 billion infrastructure bond package.

2007 | The Year of Health

Theme: Reforming the state's health insurance system to make it more affordable and more accessible.

Memorable line: "In the past, health care reform was always dead on arrival. But this year I can feel something different in the air. I can feel the energy, the momentum, the desire for action. You can feel that the time is right."

Outcome: After passing the Assembly, the governor's proposal was shot down by the Senate Health Committee.

2008 | The Year of Fixing the Budget

Theme: Making a change in the state constitution to force the state to set aside money in good years for use in bad ones.

Memorable line: "I have faith that by us working together like we have in the past, we can give California a budget system worthy of the people who rely on it."

Outcome: Voters will decide its fate sometime this year.

– Steve Wiegand, Bee Capitol Bureau

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