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Agricultural Adaptation to Climate Change: Issues of Longrun Sustainability

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David Schimmelpfennig, Jan Lewandrowski, John Reilly, Marinos Tsigas, and Ian Parry

Agricultural Economic Report No. (AER740) 68 pp, June 1996

Early evaluations of the effects of climate change on agriculture, which did not account for economic adjustments or consider the broader economic and environmental implications of such changes, overestimated the negative effects of climate change. This report, which highlights ERS research, focuses on economic adaptation and concludes there is considerably more sectoral flexibility and adaptability than found in other analyses. The report frames the discussion of economic adjustments within the context of global agricultural environmental sustainability.

Keywords: global warming, adaptation, longrun sustainability

In this report ...

Chapters are in Adobe Acrobat PDF format.

Order this report (stock #ERSAER740)

Updated date: June 1, 1996

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