What's New

Executive Briefing Set for March 12-13
On March 12-13, the Foundation will hold its annual 1-1/2 day Executive Briefing, “Water 2009: Building on Change,” at the Doubletree Hotel in Sacramento. Topics to be discussed include: The Delta; getting by with less water; stormwater regulations; stretching Colorado River supplies; an insider's view of the Obama administration; and updates on the “state of the state's water” by legislative and administration leaders.

Registration for both days: $250 for Foundation major contributors ($100 or more annual contribution); $300 for non-contributors. Thursday-only: $175 for major contributors; $200 for non-contributors.

The fee includes background materials, and lunch and a hosted reception on March 12.

A silent auction to benefit the Foundation's Water Leaders Class will be conducted at the briefing. Come prepared to bid on some fabulous items! Click here for more information http://www.watereducation.org/doc.asp?id=850&parentID=849 or call the Foundation, 916-444-6240.

2009 Water Leaders Selected
The 13th Annual Water Leaders Class will convene Jan. 23 at the Foundation's office for a one-day briefing. Twenty young professionals were selected for the 2009 William R. Gianelli Water Leaders Class.

Each class member is assigned to shadow and interview a prominent water stakeholder - with the goal of matching students and mentors from different communities. Class members attend Foundation tours and briefings as they research and develop an oral presentation. This year's topic is water conservation.

Class members are: Kimberly Brown, Westside Mutual Water Company; Summer Bundy, CH2M Hill; Arcaely Campa, California State Assemblymember Anna Caballero; Teresa Chan, Ellison, Schneider & Harris; Kristen Mignone Crane, City of Poway; Allison Dvorak, State Water Contractors; Kari Fisher, California Parm Bureau Federation; Brian Heywood, CDM; Kimberly Houlding-Kaufmann, Congressman Radanovich; Derek Larsen, MBK Engineers; Tara Lohan, AlterNet; Vincent Marchand, Sen. Gloria Negrete McLeod; Lisa Mash, ENTRIX, Inc.; Lisa McPhee, Metropolitan Water District of Southern California; Meghan Moda, Resources Legacy Fund; Matt Notley, California Department of Water Resources; Jeffrey Payne, MWH Americas, Inc.; Andrea Schmid, New Fields; Lisa Skutecki, Brown & Caldwell; and Michelle Yeh, Schlumberger Water Services.

Lower Colorado River Tour, March 4-6
Sign-ups are underway for the Foundation's popular Lower Colorado River Tour, which follows the course of the lower Colorado River through parts of Arizona, California and Nevada. Included is a private tour of Hoover Dam, a boat ride on Lake Mead, and visits to the Havasu National Wildlife refuge, farms in the Imperial and Coachella and valleys and the Salton Sea. The tour is co-sponsored by the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, Lower Colorado Region.

This is a one-bus tour, so seating is limited. Click here http://www.watereducation.org/toursdetail.asp?id=822 for more information, including a secure, on-line registration form, or call the Foundation, 916-444-6240.

New Aquafornia/Foundation Water Blog
We are proud to announce that the Water Education Foundation is now affiliated with Aquafornia - The California Water News Blog, http://aquafornia.com/  This partnership was formed because both the Foundation and Aquafornia strive for balanced, factual and comprehensive news and information about vital water issues.

Aquafornia is a one-stop site for news about California water issues offering articles from newspapers, trade journals, current magazines, press releases and more! With a visit to Aquafornia, you can get your daily water news by 8 a.m. - even on weekends. And check back later in the day for new updates.

The Foundation is known for its impartial coverage of water issues in California and the West. We offer the bimonthly Western Water magazine, the biannual River Report Colorado River newsletter and reference material on a long list of water issues in our Layperson's Guide series. We also offer tours, briefings, school programs and public television documentaries and educational DVDs.

Together Aquafornia and the Foundation offer a combination of the same great comprehensive water news coverage from around the state.

And coming soon in the next few weeks, you'll have your chance to have a say on water issues in our upcoming discussion forum to be hosted on the Aquafornia site.

Revised Layperson's Guide to California Water
Copies of the revised and updated Layperson's Guide to California Water are now available. The 24-page guide - now in full color - provides an excellent overview of the history of water development and use in the Golden state. It includes sections on the Central Valley Project, the State Water Project, the Colorado River, groundwater, the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, water quality and environmental issues.

The 2008 version was updated to include recent developments in stormwater control, Delta planning, Colorado River water allocations and stretching state supplies. PBS&J funded the printing costs.

Copies of the guide are $10 each ($7 each for 10 or more). Click here to place an order http://www.watereducation.org/store/itemdetail.asp?id=29