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    CADD Support

CADD Downloads (Metric Units)

Microstation CADD Support Files
Download Files File Size Date
  Cell Library (Bundle) 634k        10/06/04    updated
  Color Table 1k        02/25/04    Original
  Font Resource File 727k        02/25/04    Original
  IPlot Pen Tables        Contact CADD Support
  Line Style Resource File 127k        02/25/04    Original
  Seed Files (Bundle) 5k        02/25/04    Original

CADD Standard Details (Metric Units)
Detail Section Date
  Roadway Construction Details   04/06/05    Revised 
  Traffic Control Details   02/25/04    Original
  Bridge Construction Details   02/25/04    Original
  Electrical Details   See Traffic Signal & Safety

CADD Standards Manual (Metric Units)
Download Files File Size Date
  PDF format only 319k        02/25/04    Original
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  Department of Transportation
  P.O. Box 600
  Trenton, NJ 08625-0600
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  Last Updated:  August 22, 2005