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USDA Pomological Watercolor Collection

Miscellaneous Fruits

Cydonia oblonga Bourgeat Cydonia oblonga "Bourgeat"
Specimen No.: 8168
Grower's State: New York
USDA Artist: Prestele
Watercolor Date: no date
Diospyros kaki Japanese Persimmon Diospyros kaki Japanese persimmon
Specimen No.: 10284
Grower's State: Florida
USDA Artist: Passmore
Watercolor Date: no date
Manikara zapota Sopadilla Manilkara zapota sapodilla
Specimen No.: 17480
Grower's State: Florida
USDA Artist: Passmore
Watercolor Date: 1899
Mangifera indica Gola Alphonse Mangifera indica "Gola Alphonse"
Specimen No.: 29506
Grower's State: Florida
USDA Artist: Krieger
Watercolor Date: 1918
Opuntia sp. Prickly Pear Opuntia sp. prickly pear
Specimen No.: 32340
Grower's State: California
USDA Artist: Newton
Watercolor Date: 1904
Musa sp. Yenjerto Musa sp. "Yenjerto"
Specimen No.: 32367
Grower's Location: Mexico
USDA Artist: Schutt
Watercolor Date: 1904
Psidium guajava red fleshed guava Psidium guajava red fleshed guava
Specimen No.: 36599
Grower's State: Florida
USDA Artist: Newton
Watercolor Date: 1906
Carica querifolia Carica quercifolia
Specimen No.: 36983
Grower's State: Kansas
USDA Artist: Schutt
Watercolor Date: 1906
Musa sp. Platano Morado Musa sp. "Platano Morado"
Specimen No.: 38168
Grower's State: no state
USDA Artist: Passmore
Watercolor Date: 1907
Musa sp. Popoulu Hawaii Musa sp. "Popoulu Hawaii"
Specimen No.: 38188
Grower's State:
USDA Artist: Newton
Watercolor Date: 1907
Ceratonia siliqua St. John's bread Ceratonia siliqua St. John's bread
Specimen No.: 38302
Grower's State: Florida
USDA Artist: Passmore
Watercolor Date: 1907
Guincos finget Guincos finget
Specimen No.: 38393
Grower's Location: Puerto Rico
USDA Artist: Newton
Watercolor Date: 1907
Mangifera indica Mulgoba Mangifera indica "Mulgoba"
Specimen No.: 38497
Grower's State: Florida
USDA Artist: Passmore
Watercolor Date: 1907
Punica granatum pomegranate Punica granatum pomegranate
Specimen No.: 39682
Grower's State: Alabama
USDA Artist: Newton
Watercolor Date: 1907
Tamarindus indicus tamarind Tamarindus indicus tamarind
Specimen No.: 40857
Grower's State: Florida
USDA Artist: Newton
Watercolor Date: 1908
Garcinia mangostana mangosteen Garcinia mangostana mangosteen
Specimen No.: 44711
Grower's Location: Trinidad
USDA Artist: Passmore
Watercolor Date: 1909
Passiflora granadilla Passiflora granadilla
Specimen No.: 45946
Grower's State: California
USDA Artist: Schutt
Watercolor Date: 1909
Solanum melongena Chinese eggplant Solanum melongena Chinese eggplant
Specimen No.: 46025
Grower's Location: Panama
USDA Artist: Lower
Watercolor Date: 1909
Casimiroa edulis White Sapota Casimiroa edulis "White Sapota"
Specimen No.: 46943
Grower's State: Florida
USDA Artist: Lower
Watercolor Date: 1910
Mangifera indica Ameeri Mangifera indica "Ameeri"
Specimen No.: 46987
Grower's Location: Puerto Rico
USDA Artist: Schutt
Watercolor Date: 1910
Diospyros kaki Yeddo Ishci Diospyros kaki "Yeddo Ishci"
Specimen No.: 49392
Grower's State: Maryland
USDA Artist: Newton
Watercolor Date: 1910
Annona reticulata Annona reticulata
Specimen No.: 50539
Grower's Location: Bahama Islands
USDA Artist: Schutt
Watercolor Date: 1911
Juglans sp. Japanese walnut Juglans sp. Japanese walnut
Specimen No.: 56419
Grower's State: Virginia
USDA Artist: Newton
Watercolor Date: 1912
Castanea sp. Boone Castanea sp. "Boone"
Specimen No.: 65788
Grower's State: Maryland
USDA Artist: Schutt
Watercolor Date: 1913
Diospyros sp. Tanenashi (Shibu) Diospyros sp. "Tanenashi (Shibu)"
Specimen No.: 73583
Grower's State: Florida
USDA Artist: Strange
Watercolor Date: 1914
Garcinia mangostana mangosteen Garcinia mangostana mangosteen
Specimen No.: 83862
Grower's State: no state
USDA Artist: Newton
Watercolor Date: 1915
Cucumis melo Antibes green winter melon Cucumis melo "Antibes green winter melon"
Specimen No.: 88856
Grower's State: no state
USDA Artist: Newton
Watercolor Date: 1916
Cucumis melo Honey Dew Antibes green winter melon Cucumis melo "'Honey Dew' Antibes green winter melon"
Specimen No.: 89046
Grower's State: California
USDA Artist: Newton
Watercolor Date: 1916
Castanea sp. chinquapin chestnut Castanea sp. chinquapin chestnut
Specimen No.: 94251
Grower's State: Maryland
USDA Artist: Arnold
Watercolor Date: 1917
Diospyros kaki Hachiya Diospyros kaki "Hachiya"
Specimen No.: 94687
Grower's State: South Carolina
USDA Artist: Newton
Watercolor Date: 1919
Olea europea Manzanillo Olea europea "Manzanillo"
Specimen No.: 94909
Grower's State: California
USDA Artist: Steadman
Watercolor Date: 1917
Sechium edule Chayote Sechium edule "Chayote"
Specimen No.: 95458
Grower's State: no state
USDA Artist: Steadman
Watercolor Date: 1918
Mangifera indica pineapple mango Mangifera indica pineapple mango
Specimen No.: 95509
Grower's State: Florida
USDA Artist: Steadman
Watercolor Date: 1918
Diospyros sp. Hachiya Diospyros sp. "Hachiya"
Specimen No.: 96501
Grower's State: no state
USDA Artist: Newton
Watercolor Date: 1919
Eriobotrya japonica Champagne Eriobotrya japonica "Champagne"
Specimen No.: 96797
Grower's State: California
USDA Artist: Steadman
Watercolor Date: 1919
Asimina triloba native pawpaw Asimina triloba native pawpaw
Specimen No.: 105500
Grower's State: Maryland
USDA Artist: Steadman
Watercolor Date: 1924
Mangifera indica Carabao Mangifera indica "Carabao"
Specimen No.: 106511
Grower's State: Florida
USDA Artist: Steadman
Watercolor Date: 1925
Diospyros sp. Fuyu Diospyros sp. "Fuyu"
Specimen No.: 107216
Grower's State: California
USDA Artist: Steadman
Watercolor Date: 1925
Diospyros sp. Yamato Diospyros sp. "Yamato"
Specimen No.: an0001
Grower's State: no state
USDA Artist: Prestele
Watercolor Date: 1887
Diospyros sp. Zengi Diospyros sp. "Zengi"
Specimen No.: an0002
Grower's State: Georgia
USDA Artist: Prestele
Watercolor Date: 1887
Diospyros sp. Yemon Diospyros sp. "Yemon"
Specimen No.: an0003
Grower's State: no state
USDA Artist: Prestele
Watercolor Date: 1887
Diospyros sp. Zengi Diospyros sp. "Zengi"
Specimen No.: an0004
Grower's State: no state
USDA Artist: Prestele
Watercolor Date: 1888
Diospyros sp. Yamato Diospyros sp. "Yamato"
Specimen No.: an0005
Grower's State: no state
USDA Artist: Prestele
Watercolor Date: 1889
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