United States Department of Agriculture
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NRCS Booth a Hit at World Congress of Soil Science  

Bill Effland, NRCS (right), discusses the technical soil survey standards publications that are available on CD and on the NRCS website (NRCS photo)

Bill Effland, NRCS (right), discusses the technical soil survey standards publications that are available on CD and on the NRCS website (NRCS photo)

The 18th World Congress of Soil Science, held last week in Philadelphia, brought together more than 2,200 soil scientists from more than 100 countries.  With the theme, “Frontiers of Soil Science: Technology and the Information Age,” the scientific program focused on soil science advances with an emphasis on a number of information science and technology applications.  A unique exhibit, Soils - the Foundation of Life was produced especially for the event and highlighted NRCS technologies and data resources used for soil survey and resource assessment.  More than 1,500 copies of agency maps, posters, and technical publications were provided to participants. Computer stations allowed for hands-on demonstrations of Web Soil Survey, Soil Data Mart, and other NRCS Internet resources.
Your contact is Paul Reich, NRCS geographer, at 202-690-0037.


the NRCS exhibit highlighted cutting-edge technology used for conducting soil surveys (NRCS photo)State soil monoliths provided international participants an opportunity to see some of the many kinds of soils in the U.S. (NRCS photo)computer stations provided access to Web Soil Survey and other NRCS Internet resources (NRCS photo)

(from left) the NRCS exhibit highlighted cutting-edge technology used for conducting soil surveys -- State soil monoliths provided international participants an opportunity to see some of the many kinds of soils in the U.S. -- computer stations provided access to Web Soil Survey and other NRCS Internet resources (NRCS photos)