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NAEP Analysis and Scaling → Estimation of NAEP Score Scales

Estimation of NAEP Score Scales

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NAEP Scales

Item Scaling Models

Estimation of IRT Item Parameters

Treatment of Missing Responses in NAEP

Assumptions of the Item Scaling Models

Checks for Violations of Assumptions

Treatment of Items to Avoid Violations of Assumptions

NAEP Assessment IRT Parameters

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NAEP score scales summarize student performance for the collection of items representing the content specified in the NAEP frameworks. For each subject area, the framework determines the number of IRT scales.

Item Response Theory (IRT) models are used to describe the relationships between the item responses provided by students and the underlying score scales. IRT provides a common scale on which the performance of students receiving different blocks of items can be placed. For each item, item parameters that are used in the models are estimated from student response data. Different IRT models with different types of item parameters are used to describe multiple-choice items, constructed-response items that are scored right-wrong, and constructed-response items that have more than two categories. However, items of all types contribute to NAEP score scales. After the item parameters are estimated, the appropriateness of the IRT models is determined.

Last updated 14 July 2008 (DB)

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