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Farmers' Legal Action Group, Inc. (FLAG) is a nonprofit law center dedicated to providing legal services to family farmers and their rural communities in order to help keep family farmers on the land.

America needs an agriculture that supports healthy rural communities, protects the environment, and promotes a safe, diverse, and stable food supply. To achieve these goals, America needs a healthy family farm-based system of agriculture. Targeted, top-notch legal information and advocacy are indispensable in the struggle to defend family-based agriculture and secure social and economic justice for farmers. FLAG exists to provide those legal services.


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Publications and Articles

Farmers' Guide to Disaster Assistance (Sixth Edition, 2008)

When Your Processor Requires More than Organic Certification: Additional Requirements in Organic Milk Contracts by Jill E. Krueger (April 2008)

Hushed Up: Confidentiality Clauses in Organic Milk Contracts by Jill E. Krueger (April 2008)

Disaster Readiness and Recovery: Legal Considerations for Organic Farmers by Jill E. Krueger (Sept. 2007)

If Your Farm Is Organic, Must It Be GMO-Free? Organic Farmers, Genetically Modified Organisms, and the Law by Jill E. Krueger (Sept. 2007)

Understanding Farmers' Rights to be Paid for Fruit and Vegetable Crops (Sept. 2007)

Federal Law Protects Farmers' Rights to be Paid for Fruit and Vegetable Contracts (Sept. 2007)

See more publications and article

"We need decent people in office and in corporations, but we need at the same time to check them if they don't comply with the rules. And that's what you've done, time and time again. FLAG lawyers have been seen in courts, before administrative bodies, before federal institutions, before the Congress, arguing the case for justice for rural families. I applaud you."

~ Former Vice President
Walter F. Mondale

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FLAG has written educational materials to help farmers understand their contracts

Educational material also available in the Hmong Language

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Farmers' Legal Action Group, Inc.
360 Robert Street North, Suite 500
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101-1589
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