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The average of this range is taken to be the cost increase per equipment. 'Inputs ^III ^IV ^V 'Uniform Annualized GD_@;  m@9:@; FݥT@;'2005 production@xn3@ "- '2007 production5r@>@'2027 productionm# D@,D;@,eN@, 'Average Cost Per Equipment'CLASSES III & IV ^CLASS Vx'@ = @ \?zO@ %O@ npmG@ H?@  "Average"u,;@"$bǽl@"pRYaG@w*(? $'FUEL SAVINGS PER CLASS (1998$)^CLASS III^CLASS IV ^CLASS V  7Ah Yf7'ZY %!` @ !87Ď!A󏖤!%" @!"e_D9"wA"Z\%# @"#dBaS#ҧ'Z#F %$ @#$|Dc$Ijn8$o.=B%% @$%ݻ%}#h%8]O%& @%&$)ʽ&lh&ۂi%' @&'fN'z}L'%(@ @'(zL(s7Y:(6hq{%)` @()%"۪)6A)džp%* @)*RGtd٤*zl-T*H~:%+ @*+n1q +$lb +jq* %, @+,DA!,E}I!,wۏ!%- @,-S[r"- ZƖ"-WG"%. @-.»a#.^wf"#.{_;#%/ @./!)_v$/_:6䚖$/$%0@ @/0e6cI%0U3v%0 h%%1` @01 o7&1BGaȇ&1#q'X@&%2 @12!s idw'2!'2~?ҟl'%3 @23H^; (3>t(3`(%4 @34~=)4QI)4H()%5 @45hvD*5^e*5iԆ*%6 @56 {]+6 +6Bt-~<+%7 @674W-,7"PU,7iDC,%8@ @78p+7$P-8}m-8[Rx-%9` @896,@.9]O5.9BS/Wi%.% ;'total;u/?9 P;wN#?9 P;3У?9 P<'annualized<|P[;J< a;K<Rh~vJ;L>'production ?'2005 production?@?xn3@@'2007 production@5r@>@A'2027 productionAm# D@AD;@AeN@CCC Ɵ/<?Caf\S|<?Csgkڄ<@DDDp-^<ADH<AD])<A"FYzLGCD"Fn&g֡CD"F%g%;CD G'avgI'Annualized Factor:I'year of imp I^class7J^Present value of an annuity at 7% over 26 years =Jz6@JJ7K^Present value of an annuity at 7% over 26 years =Kz6@KK7L^Present value of an annuity at 7% over 24 years =Lm4@@LL 'This spreadsheet is part of the appendices to the Regulatory Impact Analysis for the March 2000 Final Rule for Nonroad Spark Ignition Handheld Engines at or below 19 kilwatts#'PRODUCTION ESTIMATES PER YEAR@'Technology shift takes place in technology mix spreadsheet:^Current % From Phase 1 Database as of September 1998 ^49-STATE ^CALIFORNIA ^III^IV^V ^SUMMARY ^1998 SALES ^1998 SALES '% within hh and nhh# 4e?     P#  AQ8?     P# 47/?     P ^III  r@  w@ ^fraction ^fraction ^fraction ^IV  fffff@!  o@" ^V  @@.  , 'assume split stays constant throughout#^49-State Production Estimates%^California Production Estimates ^Year^Class III^Class IV ^Class V^Class III^Class IV ^Class V1 o@  56781@  56781q c@@  56781Y)@  56781o<@  56781  56783k8@9qw@@9c}k@9I]_@9 ep1r6@99ҋOqi@:os6 b@:  @:,FH@:9}N<@::@;xn3@;^q@;1l@;H@;;2n)f @<zy@<A9`ؓ@<e~r|@<[@<<i(FC@=S0@=5r@>@=@A$X@=3q@==t ]{@>c@>EB@>'?&M4@>.u@>>J)@?_sqJ@?4 @? $@?p/u[.@??4i@@6LI׏@@eyEWo@@Ƞ@@`G@@@ai@A:l@A>@A#@Ao<Q@AAkd?-@B^j,@B1YUG@B\ @BuK탈@BB/ɷ@CHlb@CTC|5Э@CzjZɨ@C|;@CC=~A@D#1,N@Dbd@DS͏@Dd.(@DD  ^ͣ [@E 2ޜ@E r>z@E  Љ@E R|:Np@E E!!씉@ F!wl2>@ F!⫝@ F!Ѡ={@ F!M7@ F! 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'lg families^Hardware' E|@  !'1998 Nationwide Production `*@ ^2005|^Catalyst.T@ ףp= ף@ u  E|? 'sm families^Catalyst'Learning Curve (-20%)+ !@?X9v?^Production   'Total^Production 7'Incremental Costs for Class IV California Engines'applied in 2007X9v?^Licensing^Licensing^Redesigned^Redesigned^Redesigned ^Total[)Y@P ^Total ~C@P^Phase 1 eng^Strat Scav^Phase 1 eng^Phase 1 eng^Comp Wave^Comp Wave?^w/ catalyst^w/o catalyst^w/ catalyst^w/ catalyst^w/o catalyst^w/o catalyst'HH Class IV: ^49-state ^49-state ^49-state^Four-Stroke^to switch to^to switch to^to switch to^to switch to^to switch to^to switch to'Sales Phase In^49-state ^Strat Scav ^Comp Wave ^Comp Wave^to swtich to^Strat Scav^Strat Scav^Comp Wave^Comp Wave^Comp Wave^Comp Wave^Four-Stroke ^w/ catalyst ^w/o catalyst ^w/ catalyst^Four-Stroke^w/ catalyst^w/ catalyst^w/o catalyst^w/ catalyst^w/o catalyst^w/ catalyst 'Total Variable Costs = I89-}@$     ^Hardware ^- -  "'  Ó@$%'  m۶m۶@ ! *x9/?. 'lg families (includes 1/2 of JD's large) ^Hardware  @    Ó@   m۶m۶@    !'1998 49-State Production !!fffff@#fffffff?!!=!^Catalyst !^- -! u ! /! mF{0X@ ףp= ף@!u !Cc}h?-!'sm families (include 1/2 of JD's small)!^Catalyst!!!@! !mF{0X! !!!mF{0X@! !"'1998 California Production " o@# }""\"^Production "^- -" G" "  "'total"^Production""(\(?" ""?" "{Gz?" ""(\(?" " !#'1998 Nationwide Production #@ #^2005#{#^Licensing* #^- -# # 2# 2# 'Class IV Avg#^Licensing### ##@# #@# ###'Class IV Avg$'Learning Curve (-20%)$57T@$${ $^Total3$@}$@@$ \(\@  # P$ @  # P$ P@  # P$ I89-}@$?$'jd large families $^Total$ #P$Q@ #P$@ #P$>ɵ@ #P$1N@ #P$ #P$ˢv@ #P$/G@%'applied in 2007%%{%?%'jd small fams&&&^Tech Mix &'total&^Tech Mix'' '^Sales '^SalesJ)' * - Assumes jd pays the licensing fee just like everyone else does *'HH Class V:+'Sales Phase In,^Nationwide-'Total Variable Costs =-@3---^Comp Wave .'1998 Nationwide Production.@@...^w/o catalyst/'Learning Curve (-20%)+/3333333@-?///^Hardware'/@/ 0 / / 1 / / 'lg families0'applied in 200900):0^Catalyst00 ?0 1 0 @@0 'sm families119W1^Production11 @@/ 0 P 1 'Total22It2^Licensing23'Note: Volume33{Gz?2 3^Total3@/2P#4'of lawnmowers and snowblowers44{Gz?3&5'are not included in total number55-6'(snowblowers have exemption from HC+NOx66.7'and lawnmowers costs assumed in Phase 1)'This spreadsheet is part of the appendices to the Regulatory Impact Analysis for the March 2000 Final Rule for Nonroad Spark Ignition Handheld Engines at or below 19 kilwatts' ^Table E-03 ^ENGINE^ CAPITAL COSTS7 ^ESTIMATED NUMBER OF MODELS PER YEAR IN PRODUCTION ^Class  @ P ^III  @ P^IV* Bb  @ P^V  <i'number of engine families asumed constant from EPA phase 1 certification database of September 1998 "Komatsu "Other"John Deere"John Deere"Other Mfrs "Other Mfrs "Ryobi "Honda"Strat Scav"Strat Scav"Comp Wave"Comp Wave"Comp Wave "Comp Wave"Four-Stroke"Four-Stroke"w/ catalyst"w/ catalyst"w/o catalyst"w/ catalyst"w/ catalyst "w/ catalyst&0Ȅ@@P @&P @P @&@t@P @&@@P @&|@P@P @2@P@t@P @2@G@t@P @2 @G@t@P @2@P@t@P @2 @P@t@P @ 'Subsequent Disp Families!^Table E-03c8"^TOTAL COSTS PER YEAR BASED ON MODELS IN PRODUCTION #^1998$ &'CLASS&&&&&&&& & &  ('III(@ ( (@ $(`<@ ( ((@ ( ( ( )'IVP)HY@ /)@[)l@ E)@@) )P)@, ) ) ) *'V*! *! *@|@*,@|@*@|@>*`@|@|@ |@*!* !O* w@|@ |@* !2'Table E-03d(3'COSTS AS INCURRED AND AS RECOVERED 4^1998$f5'Assumed costs are incurred ONE year prior to production for initial year prior to implementation6'time value of money =67'ammoritization years =7 :^HANDHELD=^Class III=^Class III=^Class IV=^Class IV =^Class V =^Class V >^year>^incurred>^recovered>^incurred>^recovered>^incurred>^recovered@@@(@HY@)AA(.AG50U@@6678A@).A`#^@@6678BB@(.BG50U@@6678Bl@)NBO{RF@@6678A6678B@*CC`<@(NCG50U@@6678B6678C@@)nCup@@6678A6678B6678C,@*.C窭G\@B6678DD(nD[@D6678E6678H6678JJ.J'`;@F6678J.J1EP@F6678JNJ%^Y0@E6678H6678K @JK.K'`;@F6678K.K1EP@F6678K"Kmn@H678L @K"LG678"Lmn@H678M @L"Mmn@H678N @M"Tsp@Q?'This spreadsheet is part of the appendices to the Regulatory Impact Analysis for the March 2000 Final Rule for Nonroad Spark Ignition Handheld Engines at or below 19 kilwatts^Table E-04^HANDHELD EQUIPMENT^"High Cost" Scenario'SOURCES FOR COST:R"Cost Study for Phase Two Small Engine Emission Regulations" by ICF and EF&EE 'Analysise '1) 'It is known that there are a number of equipment models in which one engine family is used.o 'However, at the time of this FRM, we had no resource to determine the complete number of equipment modelsp 'Therefore, this analysis assumes the number of engine families * 2 to equal the number of equipment modelso '2) The equipment manufacturers are also the engine manufacturers, therefore the equipiment model phase-in6'is assumed the same as the engine model phase-ink'3) The compression wave technology requires minimal improvement of the engine - or improvements that'would be required by any other technology that results in less cooling to the engine. Older consumer product designs will'need improvements including fin design and port positioning as well as area for a slightly larger carburetor. The tube of the'accumulator itself can be fit into the area that is the heat block between the carburetor and the engine. Therefore, changes'to the equipment shrouding are minimal shape design changes. Changes to a 4-stroke design or an engine with a catalyst would be'more extensive for they require a totally new engine design and therefore new shroud design and positioning of tanks,etc. Catalysts'require management of the hot exhaust gas and muffler temperatures. It is assumed the compression wave technology is useful on all applications.'4) This anlaysis assumes the majority of engines will use the compression wave technology w/cat with some use of 4-strokes and others of'stratified scavenging and catalyst. A composite cost per class is estimated ahead of time and then multiplied by the number of assumed'equipment models as they are phased-in. The percentage using each technology is taken from the RIA - since the engine and equip'manufacturer are the same then whatever technology an engine manufacturer is assumed to use, then that will be the tech used by'the equipment.*'Technology Assumptions for analysis:'Class III:$'compression wave with catalyst'Class IV:u'compression wave with and without catalyst, 4 stroke, or stratified scavenged with lean combustion and catalyst'Class V:)'compression wave (without catalyst)""'Phase-in of Equipment Models\#'Not all equipment models will change at the same time. Therefore costs are phased in.q$'The phase-in is based on the phase-in of engine models from EPA analysis of Phase 1 Certification Database)b%'The # of Equipment Models is assumed to be the number of Phase 1 Certified Engine Families*2(^Class III(^Class IV (^Class V))@)@***@++@+@+@,,@,@,@----@....@//@/@//'Class IV: plus augers00 0'Class V: plus augers11@ 2'6'COSTS FOR EQUIPMENT MODEL CHANGES/8'compression wave technology with catalyst9^variable9 :^fixed2:33333#@@d;On?GzG?>:'engineering for new engine shroud and new injection mold';'compression wave without catalyst<^variable< =^fixed=8 @>'From ICF 1996 report:?'4-stroke technology&?'Split from 1998 Phase 1 database@^variable@ A^fixed2AϠ@@@d;On?GzG?A'chainsaws and trimmersAAjV?AC2B–@|@d;On?GzG? B'backpack blowers and pumpsB2BY?BC*CO(@AABB C^TOTALC@ABP;D'stratified scavenge with lean combustion and catalystE^variable2E|pǯi?)\(\?d;On?GzG?*E'heat shield and muffler and assembly F^fixed2F33333#@@d;On?GzG?F'engineering and tools ?G'stratified scavenge with lean combustion without catalystH^variableHI^variable2Iefffff7 @` @d;On?GzG?K'Table E-04 continued.M'Amortized costs per Class (as recovered)?N'Assume incurred one year prior to production ( rate = 7%)O'CLASS IIIO 'TOTAL CLASS IIIPPPPPPPP '49-STATEP 'THERE IS NOQ^Equip ModelsQ@)Q*Q@+Q@,Q-Q.Q@/ Q 'FIXEDQ 'VARIABLEQ 'INREMENTALR 'VARIABLE COSTS0S7:,. @Q:(\?W 8S 7:,. @SSP#S /uQ?@9S 'FOR CALIFORNIAT0T7:,. @Q:(\?W 80TQ:(\?W 8T 7:,. @TTP#T 0֤onG@9T 'CLASS IIIU0U7:,. @Q:(\?W 80UQ:(\?W 80U7:,. @Q:(\?W 8U 7:,. @UUP#U fr@9U 'ENGINES SINCEV0V7:,. @Q:(\?W 80VQ:(\?W 80V7:,. @Q:(\?W 80V7:,. @Q:(\?W 8V RW#CE0@VVP#V LLx@9V 'ALL CLASS IIIW0W7:,. @Q:(\?W 80WQ:(\?W 80W7:,. @Q:(\?W 80W7:,. @Q:(\?W 80WQ:(\?W 8W RW#CE0@WWP#W XE~X@9W 'ENGINES UNDERX @WX0XQ:(\?W 80X7:,. @Q:(\?W 80X7:,. @Q:(\?W 80XQ:(\?W 80XQ:(\?W 8X H9(@XXP#X J57@9X 'EPA'S PHASE 2Y @XYY0Y7:,. @Q:(\?W 80Y7:,. @Q:(\?W 80YQ:(\?W 80YQ:(\?W 80YRW#CE0@Q:(\?W 8Y 7:,. @YYP#Y f*}ې@9Y 'PROGRAM AREZ @YZZZ0Z7:,. @Q:(\?W 80ZQ:(\?W 80ZQ:(\?W 80ZRW#CE0@Q:(\?W 8Z 2)g(@ZZP#Z Lzt.@9Z 'EXPECTED TO[@ @Z[[[[0[Q:(\?W 80[Q:(\?W 80[RW#CE0@Q:(\?W 8[ RW#CE0@[[P#[ WN:@9[ 'HAVE CATALYSTS\` @[\\\\\0\Q:(\?W 80\RW#CE0@Q:(\?W 8\ RW#CE0@\\P#\ ۘr&@9\ 'FOR CARB's] @\]]]]]0]RW#CE0@Q:(\?W 8] RW#CE0@]]P#] 0$yڛ@9 ] 'PROGRAM^ @]^^^^^^ ^^P#^ $Aɍ@9_ @^_____ __P#_ Z4bA@9` @_```` ``P#` [C@ 9a @`aaa aaP#a D=b*@!9b @abb bbP#b [Naƚ@"9c@ @bc ccP#c 1 cQ@#9d` @cd ddP#d y@$9e @de eeP#e @%9f @ef ffP#f tIu@&9g @fg ggP#g s/+@'9h @gh hhP#h ؼ@(9i @hi iiP#i Y@)9j @ij jjP#j aO@*9k@ @jk kkP#k "xJ@+99k 'Incremental Costs for Class IV California Equipmentl` @kl llP#l M vV@,9l^Redesignedl^Redesignedl^Redesignedm^Phase 1 engm^Strat Scavm^Phase 1 engm^Phase 1 engm^Comp Wavem^Comp Waven'Table E-04 continuedn^w/ catalystn^w/o catalystn^w/ catalystn^w/ catalystn^w/o catalystn^w/o catalysto'CLASS IVo^Four-Strokeo^to switch too^to switch too^to switch too^to switch too^to switch too^to switch to&p'Class IV Technology Assumptions:p'VARIABLEp'SALES FRACTIONp^to swtich top^Strat Scavp^Strat Scavp^Comp Wavep^Comp Wavep^Comp Wavep^Comp Wave$q'compression wave with catalystq(\?9q^Four-Strokeq^w/ catalystq^w/ catalystq^w/o catalystq^w/ catalystq^w/o catalystq^w/ catalystq'Class IV Avg'r'compression wave without catalystr?rrrr'rrrrIJ?s'4 stroke s@(t'stratified scavenged plus catalystt|pǯi?Et ^Tech Mixu'Weighted Averageu<^/&Ԙ? u ^Salesw'Amortized as recoveredw 'TOTAL CLASS IVw 'VARIABLE COSTxxxxxxx x"AUGERS x ^TOTALx '49-STATEx 'FOR CALIFORNIAx'49-STATE PLUS CALIFORNIAy^Equip Modelsy@)y@*y@+y@,y-y.y@/ y ^FIXEDy 'VARIABLE y 'ENGINESy'VARIABLE COSTS{C{W{Q@@:C F(\?W 8{ W{Q@{{P#{ 1 S@u { ;kIBC@r{(Ї @{ { |C|W{Q@@:C F(\?W 88|H9(@: F(\?W 8| i@||P#| [, s”@u!| e;ݚ@r|n#@| | }C}W{Q@@:C F(\?W 88}H9(@: F(\?W 8N}' 5:@ C$F=N:(\?W 8} ;xSԁ@}}P#} ]W4@u"} ds@r}vZͳ@} } ~C~W{Q@@:C F(\?W 88~H9(@: F(\?W 8N~' 5:@ C$F=N:(\?W 8C~b*`@C=:(\?W 8~ 3@~~P#~ T{\پ@u#~ J&*@r~-i@~ ~ CW{Q@@:C F(\?W 88H9(@: F(\?W 8N' 5:@ C$F=N:(\?W 8Cb*`@C=:(\?W 80Q:(\?W 8 3@P# oEu@u$ Y]>@r?Ѡ@   @8H9(@: F(\?W 8N' 5:@ C$F=N:(\?W 8Cb*`@C=:(\?W 80Q:(\?W 80Q:(\?W 8 6;ka/@P# 5]+Ts@u% bY <@ro$Cd@   @N' 5:@ C$F=N:(\?W 8Cb*`@C=:(\?W 80Q:(\?W 80Q:(\?W 8N8wd@CF=:(\?W 8( :ܫ@(\?W 8 Cb@P# iwR@r(zM@   @ P#  ;V7@u)' p?wv ~@r)ނGN@   @ P# ;dJ@u*' ڏ@r*oJ2@  @ @ P# e‚,#@u+' tv@r+d<@  ` @ P# P3@u,' E@r,c@  'Table E-04 continued ^Class V 'TOTAL 'TOTAL CLASS V 'THERE IS NO "AUGERS  'TOTAL  'TOTAL 'INREMENTAL^Equip Models@+@,@-@./0@1  'FIXED 'VARIABLE 'VARIABLE COST 'FOR CALIFORNIA  'CLASS V 'ENGINES SINCE0]d1ؼ@=(\?W 8 ]d1ؼ@P# -< 'THEY ARE0]d1ؼ@=(\?W 80JvR@=(\?W 8 #ٳ~~y_@P# .< 'EXEMPTED0]d1ؼ@=(\?W 80JvR@=(\?W 80]d1ؼ@=(\?W 8 z׊@P# /< 'FROM THE @0]d1ؼ@=(\?W 80JvR@=(\?W 80]d1ؼ@=(\?W 80#ٳ~~y_@=(\?W 8 NN@P# 0< 'CARB STDS @0]d1ؼ@=(\?W 80JvR@=(\?W 80]d1ؼ@=(\?W 80#ٳ~~y_@=(\?W 80=(\?W 8 NN@P# 1< @0JvR@=(\?W 80]d1ؼ@=(\?W 80#ٳ~~y_@=(\?W 80=(\?W 80=(\?W 8 #ٳ~~y_@P# 2<@ @0]d1ؼ@=(\?W 80#ٳ~~y_@=(\?W 80=(\?W 80=(\?W 80 =6@=(\?W 8(oc q @(\?W 8 2n @P# 3<` @0#ٳ~~y_@=(\?W 80=(\?W 80=(\?W 80 =6@=(\?W 8(oc q @(\?W 8 hB;@P# 4< @0=(\?W 80=(\?W 80 =6@=(\?W 8(oc q @(\?W 8 np6@P# 5< @0=(\?W 80 =6@=(\?W 8(oc q @(\?W 8 np6@P# 6< @0 =6@=(\?W 8(oc q @(\?W 8 np6@P# 6< @ P#  6< @ P# !6< @ P# "6<@ @ P# #6<` @ P# $6< P# %6< @ P# &6< @ P# '6< @ P# (6< @ P# )6< @ P# *6<@ @ P# +6<` @ P# ,6<'AUGER MANUFACTURERSe'The only exception are the earth and ice auger manufacturers whose engines are designed around Y'the specific torque-speed characteristics of the engine that is powering the auger.:'The costs for these changes are estimated at $60,000n'Costs are for changes to the transmission gear box to deliver the desired speed to the auger attachment.a'It is assumed that the augers will incorporate these changes in the middle of the phase-in.k'This analysis includes a 4% inflation per year to the year that the costs are assumed to be incurred. 'CLASS ^Cost (1997)^Cost (1998)^# Auger Models^Total Estimated Cost'IV!@GzG?U@'V!@GzG?@'This spreadsheet is part of the appendices to the Regulatory Impact Analysis for the March 2000 Final Rule for Nonroad Spark Ignition Handheld Engines at or below 19 kilwatts^Table E-06^Fuel Consumption"; 'Price /gallon from Energy Information Administration  'Table E-06 Continued "'Table E-07 Continued9 'Average refinery price to enduser in 1995 = $0.765( ' FUEL CONSUMPTION PER CLASS( !' FUEL CONSUMPTION PER CLASS '1998$=> a\b? ףp= ?d;On?d;On?GzG?c '1998$ obtained by multiplying $0.765 by the GDP Implicit Price Deflators for 1996, 1997, 1998& 'of 1.9%, 1.9%, 1.0% respectively'CLASSES III-V 'ALL CLASSES' CLASS III' CLASS IV"' CLASS V%('SUM OF CLASSES FOR TABLE IN RSD)'1998$ per year ^Phase 1 ^Phase 2^difference^difference ^Phase 1  ^Phase 2 ^difference ^difference ^difference^gallons/yr^gallons/yr^gallons/yr ^$/yr ^tons/yr  ^tons/yr  ^tons/yr ^gallons/yr  ^$/yr ^Phase 1 ^Phase 2^difference^difference^difference'DISCOUNTED 7% ^Phase 1 ^Phase 2^difference^difference^difference'Discounted  ^Phase 1 !^Phase 2"^difference#^difference$^difference%'Discounted ('III)'IV*'V ^tons/yr ^tons/yr ^tons/yr^gallons/yr ^$/yr 'to 2002 ^tons/yr ^tons/yr ^tons/yr^gallons/yr ^$/yr  ^tons/yr !^tons/yr "^tons/yr#^gallons/yr $^$/yr%3`WC@Q@'1Zd@35ź@ Q@'1Zd@HTiVϩ@!Ci< #@ 8 33333;@ "# 33333| "3 HTiVϩ Q@'1Zd@ CCi<   @v @ 3R;IMQ@'1Zd@7Ah 07Ah2@~@)33333 p= ףp?3$zQ@'1Zd@Yf7'ZY 0Yf7'ZY2 @!@"! 3#"Q@'1Zd@$ #%'@ @(7Ah)Yf7'ZY*$3S+~a8@Q@'1Zd@3il0@ Q@'1Zd@@ݷh@!+ $ #X@ 8 p@ "# "3 ;ݷh Q@'1Zd@ + $   @p @` 3 gQ@'1Zd@ ˜ 087Ď20@@)p= ףp?3V %Q@'1Zd@N 0A󏖤2 ݍ@!ݍ@"! 3#"Q@'1Zd@$ #%'` @( ˜)N*$3]{C:@Q@'1Zd@3#pߺe@ Q@'1Zd@87@! 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