Welcome to GrassWorks!


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At GrassWorks

we want to answer

all your questions

about grazing! 

Grazing Specialists
Grazing Information
Consumer Information


What is managed grazing?  Can I learn to graze?  Who else is grazing?

What grazing events are taking place in my region?

 Can I make my farm more profitable by grazing my animals?

Is the food from grazed animals different? Don’t most farms use grazing?

How does a grazing farm differ from a conventional farm?

 What are the environmental and animal husbandry benefits of grazing?


This website gives you the information you need whether you are a beginning farmer or an expert farmer looking to improve your bottom line.  You can find pasture walks and workshops in your region by clicking "Calendar".   Maybe you’re researching practices that can improve the rural economy and  the environment.   Maybe you’d like to become an informed consumer and learn about the people who grow your food and the methods we use.   Click on one of the links above and begin learning more about how managed grazing works to make our farms, our food, our landscapes, and our families better. 


If you would like to contact us, you can email us at mail@grassworks.org.