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Scrapbook Technique Challenge

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A trendy scrapbook embellishment is the tab. Scrapbookers use tabs to label pages with information such as names and dates or to add a bit of other text. Come see examples of this technique on scrapbook pages in this week's new gallery.

More Scrapbooking Techniques

Rebecca's Scrapbooking Blog

Technique Challenge: Creating Tabs

Monday January 12, 2009
Tabs LayoutJoin in this month's technique challenge after you get inspired by this new step by step article. You will learn how to make basic tags with rub-on words, tags with 3-d embellishments, and shaped tags such as semi-circles. This is a technique that anyone can easily do with just a few basic supplies. So read the article and jump in today!

How Long Does it Take You to Complete a Layout?

Friday January 2, 2009
Now that you have answered the poll below letting us know how many scrapbook pages you want to do in 2009, join in this fun discussion on the Scrapbooking Forum. Karen asks, "How long does it take you to complete a scrapbook page?" She is talking about your average layout, not a contest of design team entry. Can you whip one out in 15 minutes or does it take you at least an hour to pick out the colors of paper that you want to use? Find out what other scrapbookers just like you are saying in response to this question.

How Many Scrapbook Pages Will You Complete in 2009?

Saturday December 27, 2008
It is always good to set goals and January seems to be the month to set them. We want to get more organized, loose weight, spend more time with family. How about your scrapbooking? Now is the time to think about how many pages you want to get done in 2009. Can you commit to one 2-page spread per month? Or, maybe you know you will have time for even more. Answer below to see what other's are hoping to get done over the next 12 months.

Six Tips for Perfect Christmas Morning Photos

Monday December 22, 2008
Holiday PhotoGreat scrapbook pages start with great photos. The holidays present many challenges to taking those great photos - lighting, large gathers of people, lots of distractions. As we gather with family and friends to share in the joy of the season, Ron Nichols, author of Picture-Taking for Moms and Dads, and How to Take Great Pet Pictures, encourages families to make the most of the occasion by capturing some of that joy in photographs. Here are a six ways Ron suggests to turn average holiday photos into “visual treasures.”


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