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Diane's Moving Blog

Keep Your Plants Happy During a Move

Friday January 16, 2009

HouseplantWhen moving houseplants, make sure you do your research. Traveling from state to state and country to country, your green-leafed babies may not be allowed to move with you; or the change in climate and environment can make them miserable; or your new house has a different exposure which may not be best for that fussy ficus.

Keep this in mind, too, for any garden plants you're taking with you. Know how to store them for the move and how to transplant them properly into their new environment so they'll not only survive, but thrive.

Photo © stock.xchng

Where You Lose Money on a Move

Tuesday January 13, 2009

DollarMoving is expensive - just ask our accountant.

Each time we move we seem to spend more money, even though I firmly believe in getting rid of as much stuff as possible; still, costs increase and the distances traveled become greater.

If you find your move is costing more than you initially thought, make sure you know where you might be losing money. From extra fees charged by moving companies to errors made in the planning process, small money leaks can add up to extra dollars lost - extra dollars that could make a significant impact on your move.

Photo © stock.xchng

Check the Voltage Before You Move

Sunday January 11, 2009

SocketBefore we left for South America, we were told by a travel agent that the voltage was the same as our home country. We soon discovered, however, that the voltage in Peru was higher and the sockets there would not accommodate our standard square-pronged plugs. We spent one full afternoon in Lima hunting down an adapter. While it was a fun adventure that took us all over the capital city, save yourself the time and energy - find out before you move or travel.

Check the voltage and plugs accepted for the area you'll be living in or traveling to before you decide to take expensive and sometimes fragile electronic items with you - your electric toothbrush will be happy that you did.

Photo © stock.xchng

How Many Times Have You Moved?

Thursday January 8, 2009
As a follow-up to the New York Times article on the decline of people moving, I thought we should conduct our own poll to see if the researchers are right. Maybe the economic downturn will force people to stay in one place or maybe it'll increase our need to move. Or maybe those of you who are on the move will become a rare breed.

Take our poll and find out.


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