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Your Home's Water Heater: Tankless or Tank Type?

Electric Whole House Tankless Hot Water Heater

Your home's water is likely heated by a Tank type water heater but there is an option, it's called a Tankless water heater. There are many issues to be considered when using a tankless unit including type, sizing and budget and its all laid out here.

Tankless & Tank Type Water Heaters

Bob's Home Repair Blog

Installing an Electronic Dimmer

Sunday January 11, 2009
Dimwits are not good but to be "dim-lit" well that's something else. Today's TRIAC controlled electronic dimmers are beautiful, energy efficient and easy to use. Gone are the days of only big bulky knobs (although you can still buy them) and in are thin profile elegant dimmers that extend the life of your bulbs, save electricity and provide the elegance of mood lighting.

In the tutorial How to Install an Electronic Dimmer I'll show you in vivid color how to install a dimmer, what the heck a TRIAC is and what you need to do if you want to use a CFL with your dimmer. So read on and be "dim-lit". It's OK!

Furnace Filter Replacement

Sunday January 4, 2009
Did you know that the EPA lists indoor air as one of the top environmental risks to public health? And did you know that one of the best whole house air cleaners is not an expensive electrostatic furnace filter, but a passive paper media whole house furnace filter made by AprilAire called the Whole-House Air Cleaner. It was formerly called Space-Gard but is still commonly known by that name.

I have one of these units in my home and am very happy with its performance. Actually, its performance improves as it gets used more and more!

The effectiveness of furnace filters are measured in a rating called MERV. MERV stands for Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value and is a measure of how effective the filter is in stopping dust and contaminants, including viruses, from passing through its media. Home filters range from 1 to about 12 with 1 being near useless (filters particles above 10 microns) and 12 being excellent (filters to 1 to 3 microns).

The AprilAire filter is rated at about a MERV 10-11. It reaches about 99% filtration as it nears its replacement period. That's right, instead of getting worse as it gets used, it gets better. And the other nice thing is that unlike common 1" paper or fiberglass filters rated at only 1 MERV to 4 MERV and require replacement up to once a month, the AprilAire unit is good for 1 to 2 entire years before needing replacement.

So given the popularity of this filter, I thought I'd show you how to install it since it's a little tricky. But once you know the secret, it's a snap, and a breath of clean fresh air!

Repairing a Large Hole in Drywall

Sunday December 28, 2008
A hole in your drywall is never fun, although it may have been caused by fun. Maybe it was from a wild New Year's party, maybe a child's Christmas gift run amok or maybe someone was making an emphatic "point."

Anyway you look at it (or through it), a hole is a hole and needs to get fixed.

Fortunately there are a few tricks I can show you in How to Repair a Large Hole in Drywall.

And after the repair, you'll have to paint the wall so take a read through Repairing Textured Walls and How to Paint a Room.

Learn to Use Your New Yule Tool

Sunday December 21, 2008
Under that Christmas tree may lie a new Yule tool for you!

If you celebrate Festivus well hey, I really can't help you since you don't have a tree, just an aluminum pole with no decoration and will be airing grievances with your relatives instead of laughing and exchanging gifts.

But for those fortunate enough to get some cool new Yule tools this Christmas, you need to know how to safely use them, OK?

I've got some easy to follow tool usage guides for you including popular tools like the saber saw, circular saw, power drill and others.

So take a read of some great tutorials on proper tool usage and safely use that new Yule tool!

  • How to Use a Circular Saw
  • How to Use a Power Drill
  • How to Use a Saber or Jig Saw
  • Other Home Tool Information
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