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Amy's Herb Gardens Blog

What is New For Your 2009 Herb Garden

Friday January 16, 2009

In the herb garden forum, a poster asks what is going to be new for your herb gardens this year. If you have a minute, share what is going to be different about your herbs this year. I have plans for 2009 and wanted to put them down, just for fun.

Changes in my 2009 herb gardens will be:

  • More Decorative Herbs - Sometimes I get so wrapped up in the usefulness of herbs, that I turn down a gorgeous specimen, simply because it is grown for beauty. I am changing that way of thinking. Starting with some of the variations on Echinacea. Take a look at what amazing color variations that Great Garden Plants sells! Green Echinacea, who knew?
  • Larger Varieties of Favorites - I am always trying to grow what I know. This is going to be my year to break out of my comfort zone and plant as many varieties of herbs that I can find. My culinary habits will expand, and I will share my finds with my community.
  • Take Better Notes - This may seem a no-brainer, but I need to keep better notes. Especially if I am going to be growing varieties of herbs I know little about. My plan is to add a weather column to my note taking, and with my trusty camera at my side, take more photos to add notes about bugs and disease.

I am anxious to get started with my growing. I think this winter has seemed to tease us in Nebraska, with warm days for a spell, then super cold. I hope mother nature gets a handle on things by spring.

Connections With Other Herbies

Wednesday January 14, 2009

What do serious garden writers do during the off season? We connect with other gardeners! I have found that one of the most interactive and fun ways to engage other gardeners in conversation, is by using Twitter. You can find out who I follow by clicking on my personal twitter link. After signing up, you find other people to chat with. It is much easier to follow along, as there is a 140 letter limit to your posts, called tweets.

Please feel free to follow me, and any of the garden related people I am following, too. They are a wonderful group of people, it seems someone is always growing something!

I also have a little more time to visit other garden bloggers. It is such a lift to see some of the gorgeous photography that some of the warmer climate bloggers offer. It makes me jealous, but still, I love it.

Share your favorite blogs to visit during the winter months. I am sure we could collect a large list that way! Thanks for reading!

Photo ©2008, A.Jeanroy

Getting Ready For Spring - Already??

Monday January 12, 2009

Looking out at the snow covered gardens, it may seem too early to think about getting ready for planting. Nothing is further from the truth! Here are a few tips to be sure that you are ready:

  • Look at your garden notebook - Have you reminded yourself of what worked and what didn't? Review your planting and growing history before ordering more things for this year. It is easier to change things on paper, than with the plants themselves. You also will avoid any buying mistakes.
  • Review your garden zone, soil and garden style - Find out what zone you are actually in for planting, and avoid unnecessary mistakes. Just about any plant has a variety that can work in your locale. You just need to know what it is. There are online sites that allow you to simply enter your zipcode to find out. Do you know what kind of soil you have? Like many of us, you probably have different soils in the same yard. Match your herb choices to the soil you have, not the other way around. It is less work, easier on the plants, and just much less expensive this way. Don't forget to be honest about how much time you will dedicate to your herbs. If you know that it will be minimal, consider that when choosing varieties. If you can be more involved with your plants, go for the more tender varieties. Photos are beautiful in gardening magazines, but not realistic for most of us.
  • Mark your early planting dates NOW - If you are planting from seeds, you will need to mark the dates on a handy calendar too. You will be buying planting equipment and seeds, long before it seems time to plant. Make notes now to remind yourself!

Thanks for reading, and keep your growlights on!

Photo ©2008, A. Jeanroy

Tarragon Redux

Friday January 9, 2009

I received a wonderful newsletter in my inbox today, Peggy Trowbridge Filippone, About Guide to Homecooking, sent her weekly delicious links. This week, she mentions one of my favorite herbs, tarragon, and links to a great page full of ideas for this tasty herb. There is nothing nicer than finding yet another way to bring your favorite herbs into your everyday cooking. Thanks, Peggy!

I also received an intriguing seed catalog this morning. Have any of you heard of John Scheepers, Kitchen Garden Seeds? They are available online, and the photo on the front page makes me anxious for better weather! I would appreciate anyone familiar with this company to leave some feedback for the rest of us. If their easy reading and interesting list of herbs is any indication, I think it is a keeper!


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