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Dogs Behaving Badly

dogs after they ripped up the mail - dogs misbehaving

Does your dog misbehave? Most experienced dog owners are familiar with common dog behavior problems, but some of us wonder why dogs exhibit these behaviors - and how to stop them.

The Well-Adjusted Dog

Jenna's Dogs Blog

Dog Breed of the Week: Shetland Sheepdog

Wednesday January 14, 2009
shetland sheepdog face sheltie Meet the Shetland Sheepdog, this week's featured dog breed! Also known as the Sheltie, this breed looks like a small version of the Collie. In fact, the Sheltie is very closely related to the Collie, but was bred down in size over time. However, many of the Collie's traits have remained. The Sheltie is a wise, gentle soul that is intensely loyal to its owner. The breed is an excellent competitor in obedience, agility and herding. The Sheltie is also a wonderful dog for kids!

I have always found Shelties to be affectionate, sensitive dogs that make lovely companions. Do you have a soft spot for the kindly Shetland Sheepdog? Please share your thoughts and your photos with other readers!

Photo China Photos / Stringer / Getty Images

Marley and Me - the Movie

Wednesday January 14, 2009
marley and me dog After thoroughly enjoying the book, I finally went to see the movie Marley & Me. This film was a big hit at the box office and quite popular among many dog lovers. I case you don't already know about it, Marley & Me is the story of a family and their rather out-of control Labrador Retriever. From hilarious capers to tragically sad moments, the story sums up what many dog owners experience - especially when they take their first try at dog ownership.

Sorry to say it folks, but the movie didn't really do it for me. Perhaps this is in part because I read the book first. I am a huge film lover, but I admittedly tend to be on the picky side - so take my opinion with a grain of salt. Better yet, see it for yourself and share your opinion. I have only one request - please warn others if you are posting spoilers. Yes, there might be a few people out there who don't know how it ends!

Photo Rick Diamond /Getty Images 2008

Obama Narrows Down Breed Choices

Monday January 12, 2009
After last year's presidential election, Barack Obama announced that his family would be getting a dog after the inauguration. Since then, many have speculated about the right breed for the job. Sunday, Obama told George Stephanopoulos on ABC's This Week that they have narrowed their choice down to the Portuguese Water Dog or the Labradoodle. Both are low-shedding dogs thought to be hypoallergenic, a must because of Malia's allergies.

Portuguese Water Dogs are medium-sized, curly-haired dogs that are intelligent, energetic and robust. PWDs are hard workers, wonderful swimmers and loyal companions. This breed is thought to be historically related to the Poodle and tends to get along very well with kids.

Labradoodles are developed by crossing Labrador Retrievers and Standard Poodles. The result is a hybrid dog that takes on the qualities of both breeds. Labradoodles are lively, affectionate and smart dogs with wavy or wiry medium-length hair. This breed makes a wonderful dog for children.

The best news of all is that the Obama family has decided to get their new dog from an animal shelter or rescue group. This is a wonderful example to set for potential dog owners - especially in today's troubled times, when so many pets are being abandoned. However, I think they are more likely to find a Labradoodle in a shelter than a PWD. In addition, the majority of polls out there show that people really seem to be pulling for the Labradoodle. What breed do you want them to choose? Vote in the poll and leave your comments!

Dog Breed of the Week: Boston Terrier

Wednesday January 7, 2009
boston terrier face The Boston Terrier is a cheerful little dog! Smart, loyal and even-tempered, the breed is a true pleasure to be around. The Boston Terrier is one of the most popular dog breeds in the United States. That's no surprise, because this breed makes a great companion.

Did you know that the Boston Terrier is a true all-American dog breed? The breed originates from the crossing of an English Bulldog with a white English Terrier. The result was a dog that would eventually become known as the Boston Terrier - named for the city in which it was created.

Boston Terrier enthusiasts - tell us why you love this great dog breed. Also, consider submitting a photo for the Dogs site!

Photo © Annabell


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