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Gallery of Container Garden Pictures

container gardening picture of container garden of nasturtiums

Anyone can make a great container garden. From simple to elaborate, the possibilities are limitless. Looking at pictures is a great way to get ideas for plant combinations, color schemes and interesting containers.

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Winning Squash for Container Gardens

Thursday January 15, 2009
container gardening picture of honey bear squash
Honey Bear Squash
Photo © Johnny's Seeds

Johnny’s Seeds, located right here in Maine, has come up with a 2009 All America Selections winner called Honey Bear. Honey Bear is an acorn squash that promises to be “deliciously starchy and sweet,” and to resist powdery mildew. It is also compact, which makes it perfect for growing in container gardens.

I’m a big fan of acorn squash. To cook it, I cut it in half (if you nuke it for about a minute it is easier to cut), and coat it with a little olive oil. I then bake it at 350 for about 45 minutes or until soft. When it’s almost done I put a small pat of butter in the middle, then add about a ½ teaspoon of brown sugar and about a tablespoon of maple syrup and cook until it melts. Sounds like it might be too sweet, but it’s not. It's just delicious. Even my squash phobic son loves it.

Before You Start Your Container Garden Seeds

Tuesday January 13, 2009
container gardening picture of seed packets for container gardens
Seeds Galore
Photo © Kerry Michaels

Starting seeds isn't hard, it's keeping them alive until they are ready to go outside that is challenging. You can save a lot of money by starting seeds, but only if they live. I have killed more seedlings than I care to admit. Armies of tiny seedlings have fallen under my care (or lack thereof).

Here are some of questions you might want to ask yourself before you start seeds for the first time.

Are You Planning To Start Container Garden Plants From Seed?

Friday January 9, 2009

Seed catalogs are pouring into my mailbox and I'm starting to seriously drool. Some parts of the country are even getting close to seed starting time. I'm a little jealous because I still have months to go.

I'm curious how many of you are planning to start your container garden plants indoors from seed. It certainly can be an economical way to go.

Anyhow, please vote in this poll.


Container Gardening Uncertainty

Tuesday January 6, 2009
[container gardening picture of orange mums
Container Garden Mums
Photo © Kerry Michaels

I read a very thought provoking article in the New York Times, by Alina Tugend that spoke about coping with uncertainty. There is apparently even a day, November 17, designated, “Coping With Uncertainty Day.” It occurred to me that every day, when container gardening, is a ‘coping with uncertainty day’. There is absolutely nothing certain except uncertainty in all realms of gardening and that is what makes it so splendid and so rip your hair out crazy-making (ok, not compared to lots of things, but still when your beautiful tomato that you’ve loved and tended and coddled gets eaten by a woodchuck just before you were going to pick it, only someone either saintly or brain-dead wouldn’t go completely nuts).

I guess when it comes down to it (and I realize I’m at risk of ridiculous sentimentality) container gardening is like life, completely uncertain and gorgeously complex. And that’s what makes it so wonderfully interesting.


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