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Do Cats Have Souls?

Are Cats' Eyes the Window to Their Souls?

Look into the eyes of a cat and then ask yourself this question. Do those eyes reveal the soul of a sentient being, or are they just the beautiful pools of a creature you share your home with? Do you think you will meet your cat in the hereafter?

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Franny's Cats Blog

Review: Dewey, the Small-Town Library Cat

Friday January 16, 2009

This book has been heavily promoted, and I finally decided it was high time I read it. About two pages into it and I was wondering why I had waited so long. I originally read "Dewey" on Kindle, which was a mistake, since the pictures were so small, and because I spent too much time fiddling around with bookmarks and highlights. I ordered the hardcover book, any my review is based on this version.

How can anyone write anything original about a cat who was so universally loved, that when he died his obituary was published in over 200 newspapers? Dewey originally had no cause to love and trust people. After all, a human had callously dropped him through a library book return slot on the coldest morning of the year, in sub-freezing temperatures. Thanks, however to Spencer Library Director Vicki Myron, and the library employees and patrons, Dewey soon became a people-loving, people-pleasing cat. To know Dewey was to love him.

Have you read "Dewey, the Small-Town Library Cat?" You are encouraged to write your own review on the same page with mine. Just fill in the form on that page.
Photo Credit: Courtesy of PriceGrabber

Review: Pawbreakers, the Candy for Cats

Friday January 16, 2009

A member recently posted a glowing review of Pawbreakers, which reminded me that Jenny has never experienced this remarkable treat. I've just ordered a package of eight - two for each cat, and can't wait to see Jenny having the Pawbreaker experience.

Catjeans writes in her review in part: ""I got only one pawbreakers in a Christmas stocking for my cats. Big mistake! I had to immediately go out and purchase enough for everyone. Even my eldest kitty grabbed it and was the first to start biting it and eating it. I have one polydactyl that has a perfect thumb for holding onto it while licking and nibbling. He picked it up and licked for at least 20 minutes."

Have you tried Pawbreakers for your own cats? Be sure to add your own review to ours.
Photo Credit: © Brett Buchanan - Edible Animal Treats

Cats Photo Quiz: Breeds, Color Patterns

Thursday January 15, 2009

If you read the article posted yesterday, you may want to test what you have learned about the difference between pedigreed cats, color patterns, and domestic cats. Are you still confused between breeds and color patterns? Can you tell a calico cat from a tortoiseshell? Take this javascript-based quiz for both fun and information. Be sure to have javascript enabled in your browser.

If you choose the correct answer you are automatically sent to the next question. If you choose a wrong answer you'll be directed to a page with the correct answer. This page will sometimes contain links to other pages which explain the answer in more detail.
Take the Quiz Now

Feng Shui for Cats

Wednesday January 14, 2009

Jenny is my most recent rescue, and temporarily shares the master bedroom with me until we've worked out some disharmony problems with our alpha male cat, Jaspurr. Several years ago, I decided to implement a bit of oriental philosophy, and came up with Feng Shui for Cats for the benefit of our Bubba, then the master of our domain. The concept of Feng Shui, I learned, is to live in a balanced environment, to attain spiritual harmony with oneself and others around us, so it sounds made to order for Jenny and Jaspurr. Read about my feng shui experiment
Photo Credit: © Franny Syufy

From our Feng Shui Guide

How to Feng Shui Your Bedroom
Shui for Good Energy in Your Bedroom
Bad Feng Shui - What Not to Have in Your Bedroom


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