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China Increases Exports of Fresh and Frozen Vegetables to Japan

Sophia S. Huang

No. (VGS292-01) , August 2002

This report examines China's sharply increased exports of fresh and frozen vegetables to Japan in the 1990s. The fast growth of Chinese frozen vegetable exports to Japan, however, does not yet pose a serious challenge to the position of U.S. frozen vegetables in Japan. Japan's frozen vegetable imports from the United States, mainly prepared potatoes and sweet corn, meet with only a minimum challenge from China. In comparison, Chinese fresh vegetables pose more challenges to the United States because Japan's imports from China have grown strongly in recent years across the board, including broccoli, onions, and asparagus--the three major categories of U.S. fresh vegetable exports to Japan.

Keywords: United States, China, Japan, fresh vegetables, frozen vegetables

In this report ...

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Entire Report, 61 kb

Updated date: August 2002

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