to DakotaSARE.info!

DakotaSARE.info is a clearinghouse for information about Sustainable Agriculture and the Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) program in the Dakotas. The hope is to do for sustainable agriculture what Ding Darling was doing for conservation back in the 1930s. If you or your organization are actively involved in some aspect of sustainable agriculture in the Dakotas, from nutrition to rural life to marketing to crop and livestock management to soil health to wildlife to business management and beyond, please let us help to get the word out about your work, your field days and conferences and other information you would like to see shared around. Please take the time to see what the SARE program is doing with information services, grants, and professional development opportunities for educators here in the Dakotas and across the country.

What is Sustainable Ag? What is Sustainable Ag?


[click to see larger image]

Used with permission of the
J.N. “Ding” Darling Foundation

      A Sustainable Agriculture Information Clearinghouse sponsored by:
Site design by: Key Design Solutions