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Desalination and Research Development - Workshop Report

National Water Research Institute,
Held at Kellogg West Conference Center; Pomona CA.
January 19-21, 2001

Report #64 - Summary -

National Water Research Institute (NWRI) and the Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) have developed and sustained a program of collaberative research. NWRI planned and presented this workshop, which is a direct outgrowth of Reclamation's April, 2000, workshop entitled Growing the U.S. Water Supply Through Purification Technologies (report #56). NWRI used the Nominal Group Technique (NGT). The focus of this workshop was to address the question: What are the highest priority issues that need to be addressed now to speed the installation of cost-effective desalting/desalination facilities? Part 1 of this document describes the results of the working groups. Part 2 of this document reports the results of the consensus-building element of the workshop.


For more information about the
DWPR program, contact Kevin Price at: Bureau of Reclamation, D-8230, PO Box 25007, Denver CO 80225; phone (303) 445-2260; or e-mail a message to kprice@do.usbr.gov.