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Office of International Affairs

Multilateral Development Institutions

Loan Review Votes

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The attached chart shows how U.S. Executive Directors voted on MDI loans since January 2004. The United States can oppose MDI loans on the basis of economic or policy considerations. Also, pursuant to the numerous mandates that the U.S. Congress has passed concerning U.S. participation in the MDIs, the United States does not support projects, for example, when the beneficiary country has repeatedly provided support for international terrorism, harbors war criminals or does not have a civilian audit of military expenditures, or when project preparation violated certain environmental assessment procedures.

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  1. Right click on the (example: January to February Data) link.
  2. A small menu will appear, from this menu choose Save Target As
  3. A window will appear, choose a folder to save the file to.
  4. Click Save.

Key to vote codes Icon: PDF Document






Last Updated: November 12, 2008




Loan Review Votes

Positions on Inspection Mechanism Cases

Reports to Congress

Positions on Operational Policies

Positions on Projects With Significant Enviromental Impacts


International Monetary Fund

World Bank Group

European Bank for Reconstruction and Development

Inter-American Development Bank

Asian Development Bank

African Development Bank


