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Competitiveness, Training and Trade

High Demand Occupations in Manitoba

High Demand Skills in Manitoba

Updated: January 2008


Industry / Sector of Types of Jobs where skills are required most

Region of Manitoba where skills are most required

I. Essential Skills

Reading Text

Ability to read technical documents and manuals related to technical processes and protocols.

Manufacturing and Construction Industries for reading blueprints and plans; Customer Service Careers for assisting clients with complicated equipment and products.

All of Manitoba

Use of Documents

Ability to read and use information written in technical documents and manuals for a variety of technical processes and protocols.

Manufacturing and Construction Industries for reading blueprints and plans; Customer Service Careers for assisting clients with complicated equipment and products.

All of Manitoba

Writing - General

Ability to write, including non-paper-based writing (i.e. electronic forms, etc.), to transmit information clearly.

All Industries

All of Manitoba

Writing - Instructions, Procedures and Reports

Ability to write instructions, procedures and reports for a variety of technical processes and protocols.

Manufacturing and Construction Industries for reading blueprints and plans; Customer Service Careers for assisting clients with complicated equipment and products.

All of Manitoba

Oral Communication - Customer Service

Ability to communicate with customers/clients in satisfactorily meeting their service needs.

Retail and Wholesale Trade, Customer Contact, Manufacturing, Information Technology

All of Manitoba

Oral Communication - Listening, Speaking and Interacting

Ability to listen, speak and interact with others in order to transmit or receive information clearly.

All Industries

All of Manitoba

Oral Communication - Telephone Communication

Ability to sell products and respond to customer needs cheerfully and professionally on the phone.

Customer Contact Centre Industry, Customer Service and Information Technology Support Careers

Winnipeg and Brandon

Thinking Skills - Job Task Planning and Organizing

Ability to schedule and prioritize work for self and others and to use time efficiently.

All Industries

All of Manitoba

Working with Others - General

Ability to work with others for the purpose of problem-solving, innovation and process improvement.

All Industries

All of Manitoba

Working with Others - Negotiation and Conflict Resolution

Ability to handle difficult situations, clients and/or co-workers and work out reasonable solutions for all involved.

Management occupations and careers dealing with the public.

All of Manitoba

Computer Use - General

Ability to use various computer applications and programs such as spreadsheets, databases, word-processing and various operating systems. Keyboarding skills.

The need for basic computer skills is becoming increasingly important in all careers.

All of Manitoba

Computer Use - Internet Use

Ability to use the Internet for research and communication purposes.

Education and Research-based Careers, Government and the Customer Contact Industry. There is a growing demand for Internet skills in Sales and Purchasing careers.

All of Manitoba

II. Technical Skills

Computer-Assisted Drafting Manufacturing (CAD/CAM)

Ability to use computer applications in the design of products and in the set-up of tools to facilitate efficient production.

Manufacturing and Information Technology Careers


Environmental Assessment

Ability to conduct an environmental assessment using a number of inter-related skills including data interpretation, risk assessment and knowledge of hazardous waste handling.

Manufacturing, Mining, and Hydro Electric Industries as well as Government Careers

All of Manitoba

Information Technology Project Management Skills

Ability to co-ordinate projects, manage staff and budgets, and maintain project timelines combined with a strong Information Technology background. Make business cases, and be able to communicate them to management and clients.

Information Technology, Insurance and Manufacturing Industries

Primarily in Winnipeg but some need in rural Manitoba

Inventory Management

Ability to determine current and future needs for raw materials and semi-finished manufactured goods and to control availability through efficient purchasing policies and just-in-time delivery systems.

Manufacturing, Transportation and Storage, Wholesale and Retail Trade Careers

All of Manitoba

Knowledge of Product Safety Regulations

Knowledge of government regulations covering production and packaging of various food and pharmaceutical products, knowledge of safe laboratory practices, and handling of chemicals.

Food, Beverage and Health Care Products Manufacturing, Printing Industry

All of Manitoba

Lean Manufacturing

A strong understanding of Lean Manufacturing techniques and an ability to implement them in a variety of manufacturing settings as well as an ability to teach these techniques to management and production staff.


Southern Manitoba

Marketing and Export Development

Ability to identify customer/client needs and relate them to products and services. An ability to find new sales opportunities in export markets.

Business Services, Customer Contact, Manufacturing

All of Manitoba

Small Business Management

Ability to operate a small business, with skills ranging from financial management, staff supervision and bookkeeping to production management, sales and distribution.

Small business in all Industries

All of Manitoba

Supervisory Skills

Ability to assign and co-ordinate projects, and ensure that the work is done on time and to quality standards. These skills are especially valuable when combined with experience doing the work of those being supervised.

Manufacturing, Information Technology, Health Care Products, Hospitals, Tourism, and Construction Trades

All of Manitoba

Workplace-Based Instructional Skills

Ability to teach others through lecture or demonstration, using valid adult education instructional techniques.

All Industries

All of Manitoba