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  Farm Locator
Consumers Farmer to Farmer Farmers / Sellers Businesses / Buyers

Welcome to the NEW and Improved Farm Locator!

The Farm Locator is still a great place to locate a farm in your area-but it will soon be a great place for farmers and businesses to match-make with each other. We're adding restaurants, retail stores, institutional buyers and other food businesses interested in purchasing produce from local farmers. SO … if you represent a food business, add your business now.

Looking for farms?

  • Consumer Search links you to farms selling directly to consumers.
  • Farmer to Farmer links you to farms selling commercially to other farmers-or providing critical farm services. If your farm is already listed, please edit it now to add new information that will help commercial buyers understand your capacities as a grower.
Business to Business
  • Farmers / Sellers links you -- as a restaurant or retailer -- to farms set up to service commercial buyers.
  • Businesses / Buyers links you -- farmers/retailers-- to commercial buyers (restaurants, retailers, institutions and other food businesses).


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Edit your Farm or Business



C O N S U M E R  S E A R C H
Farms Other Food Businesses  
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B U S I N E S S - T O - B U S I N E S S  S E A R C H E S
Farmer to FarmerSellers of crops, foods, servicesBuyers seeking farmer/local products  
Search TipsPlease select a search tab above. 


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T H E    R O D A L E   I N S T I T U T E:  R E G E N E R A T I V E    A G R I C U L T U R E    W O R L D W I D E