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Briefing Rooms

India: Related Links


U.S. Department of Agriculture

World Agricultural Outlook Board. Supply and demand estimates, weather and climate

Foreign Agricultural Service. Country and commodity information

Other U.S. Government

Commerce Department

International Trade Administration. Exporter information

International Trade Commission. Reports and publications

Office of the U.S. Trade Representative. National Trade Estimate Report on Foreign Trade Barriers, Trade Policy Agenda, and Annual Report on the Trade Agreements Program

Central Intelligence Agency, World Factbook

International Organizations

United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization

FAOSTAT. Data on production, trade, food balance sheets, fertilizer and pesticides, land use and irrigation, forest and fishery products, population, agricultural machinery, and food aid shipments

World Bank. Country and regional reports and data

International Monetary Fund. Country reports

World Trade Organization. Trade topics, including dispute settlements

Indian Government

Government of India. Directory of websites of government institutions

Ministry of Agriculture, Department of Agriculture and Cooperation. Agricultural statistics and information on agricultural programs and policies

Ministry of Agriculture, Department of Agricultural Research and Education. Information on agricultural research

Ministry of Commerce and Industry. Trade policies, statistics, circulars, and trade-related agency websites

Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food, and Public Distribution. Information on public storage and distribution of food grains and related policies

Ministry of Finance. Annual budgets and economic survey reports

Indian Research Centers

Center for Management in Agriculture, Indian Institute of Management/Ahmedabad. Research studies on Indian agriculture and agribusiness

Indian Council for Research on International Economic Relations. Research on Indian macroeconomy, trade relations, and agriculture

Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research. Research activities on development issues

Institute of Economic Growth. Research papers on various economic issues

National Center for Agricultural Economics and Policy Research. Research studies on Indian agriculture

National Council for Applied Economics Research. Research on economic growth, investment, agriculture, and consumer behavior


India Image. Links to many government and non-government institutions


For more information, contact: Maurice R. Landes

Web administration:

Updated date: January 7, 2009