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About Us

The Des Moines Register:
An Iowa Tradition

The state of Iowa is 55,965 square miles, with a population of 2.8 million, approximately the area of Florida and the population of Colorado. The Register, one of few statewide newspapers in the nation, serves this entire expanse, meaning that people read it from Sioux City to Burlington. This gives Iowa "a focus," according to one historian, and "a singular voice in a way that other states haven't had." For more than 150 years, The Des Moines Register has mirrored and reflected the growth of the city that has shared its name. At the same time, we're connecting the lives of Iowans with timely, truthful and clear news coverage that not only informs, educates and entertains, but also enriches the community.

Leadership From a Media Giant:

In July 1985, The Des Moines Register was purchased by Gannett Co., Inc., becoming one of the media giant's largest newspaper holdings. Gannett is the nation's most diverse information company, serving readers, viewers and listeners in more than 44 states, the District of Columbia, Guam, the Virgin Islands, Great Britain, Germany, Hong Kong and Switzerland.

  About Us
Learn about the Register's tradition as one of the nation's few statewide newspapers.

Customers & Employees
Three different editions serve the diverse interests of the Register's statewide audience.

Commitment to the Community
The Register sponsors several events and programs to help enrich the community.

Historic Timeline
Key events that have shaped the Register's history

Editorial Tradition
The Register has won 15 Pulitzer Prizes for excellence in reporting, editorial cartoons and photography.

Our Publisher
A brief biography of Laura Hollingsworth

Fun Facts
Miscellaneous tidbits of information about the Register