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Datebook Diner: Cecil and Rosie's features hearty fare

Need a filling meal and someone to list your E-Bay items at the same time? Cecil and Rosie's Corner Café will deal with your unwanted item while you dive into a steaming plate of biscuits and gravy. More

Cappellacci con Zucca can be enjoyed at Cafe di Scala with a glass of Cannonau di Sardegna DOC ‘Le Bombarde — a full-bodied red wine. BILL NEIBERGALL/REGISTER PHOTOS

Victorian setting adds to Cafe di Scala's charm

Situated on a corner in the hilly and historic Sherman Hill Neighborhood, Cafe di Scala is located on the main floor of a beautiful Victorian home, making it one of the classiest restaurants in town. More

Dining News: Economy cited in demise of Torroco! Italian Grill

Andrew Meek, owner and chef of Torroco! Italian Grill, confirmed that he's closed that restaurant, just eight months after it opened. It was at 4810 86th St. in Urbandale and was open for lunch and dinner. More

Lead singer Stephen Christian of Anberlin, middle, says his band is taking the “Chris Martin/Bono route” by using their music to help benefit the world. PHOTO SPECIAL TO THE REGISTER

Anberlin adds thinking lyrics to `crunchy, hard-rock' sound

His recent marriage left Stephen Christian, lead singer and songwriter for the Florida alternative-rock band Anberlin, pondering some pretty deep thoughts. More

The Tony Award-winning musical “Spring Awakening” runs Tuesday through Jan. 25 at the Civic Center of Greater Des Moines. JOAN MARCUS/PHOTO SPECIAL TO THE REGISTER

A big leap for Des Moines?

When Civic Center President and CEO Jeff Chelesvig goes to Broadway to scout out shows, nothing bumps them to the top of his list quite like suspicion from New Yorkers that they're too edgy for Des Moines. More

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