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In search of Colorado color

A high country lake, left, in the mountains above Telluride. PHOTOS FROM VICKI COLBY/SPECIAL TO THE REGISTER

When my husband said "road trip," the words were barely out of his mouth and I was in the car with my fly rod and camera in hand. More

Cruising Alaska


From my first glimpse of a snow-capped mountain, I knew I was not in Iowa anymore. The words "purple mountain majesties" became illustrated in the scenery all around me. More

A rustic island getaway

This woman is among the residents of Monhegan Island who choose to make their income from catching lobsters. PHOTOS FROM KAYE BAIR / SPECIAL TO THE REGISTER

The quality of light on Monhegan Island, Maine, attracted such artists as the Wyeths, Rockwell Kent and Edward Hopper. More

Don't overlook Valencia

The Cathedral stands on the site of a mosque and was built after Valencia was reconquered from the Moors. Climbing the 270 steps of the Miguellette Bell Tower (octagonal building in foreground) offers a panoramic view of the city. PHOTOS FROM STEVE RODERMEL / SPECIAL TO THE REGIST

With a population of more a million people, Valencia is the third-largest city in Spain (after Madrid and Barcelona), but is not on the radar screen of most American tourists. More

Summer camp

We moved our stuff to storage in Ames and hit the road north to Concordia Language Villages' German camp, Waldsee, a language immersion camp in Bemidji, Minn. More

New friends become guides to China

Bikes of Old Town Shanghai: In 1995 they estimated 60% of Shanghai's population commuted by bike, now it is a mere 5 million, or roughly 25% due to the explosion of the auto market.  Reports now indicate 15,000 new vehicles hit the road daily. PHOTOS FROM MARY VAN HEULELOM/SPECIAL TO THE REGIS

When I set out to experience China for six days earlier this year, I hoped to get a flavor of local culture, explore off the beaten path and absorb ancient dynasty landmarks. More

On a mission in Tanzania

Lake Manyara and the park around it are widely known for the migration patterns that attract a variety of birds. Zebras are among the many animals that use the parkland as their home. PHOTOS FROM JANE ODLAND / SPECIAL TO THE REGISTER

Twenty-two members of First Lutheran Church in Newton traveled to Tanzania in July this year intending to build an eye clinic for International Health Partners, a medical mission in Tanzania. More

What did you do on your summer vacation?

We want to share your stories in the Sunday Register's Midwest Traveler section. More

Iowans on the go: Pirate some time in quiet Caribbean

Boys ride horses home from school in the tropical paradise. PHOTOS FROM CYNTHIA EISENHAUER

Larry and Cynthia Eisenhauer of Ankeny discover Vieques, an undeveloped island with endless secluded beaches, no high-rise hotels, and breezy outdoor bars where swimsuit cover-ups and shoes are... More

Iowans on the go: Sail into Bimini's seas of Hemingway

Bimini visitors view the remains of the sunken concrete ship Sapona. In the 1920s, the U.S. experimented with concrete shipbuilding. The Sapona sank in 18 feet of water and was later used for military target practice. PHOTOS FROM DICK HAKES

Tack your undies to the ceiling at the End of the World Bar and explore legends of Atlantis and the Fountain of Youth. More

Sailing the Maine coast with a little part of history

The Victory Chimes is a three-masted schooner. Built 107 years ago, it is part of a fleet that offers cruises off the coast of Maine. PHOTOS SPECIAL TO THE REGISTER

Iowans on the Go: Four days aboard a schooner are fun, but cramped. More



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