Volunteer Opportunities

Local Stations
Many local stations welcome volunteers from their communities to perform a variety of important tasks.
Please contact your local station to learn more.

NPR's West Coast Production Center
(Located in Culver City, California)
NPR West's Volunteer Program is a vital part of our daily operations. Volunteers provide much needed administrative support to the news staff. Below are some of the ways people contribute to our community through NPR West's Volunteer program:

» Hosting after hours community events at the facility
» Leading weekly public tours of the facility
» Staffing the reception desk, greeting staff and guests
» Answering phone calls during office hours
» Receiving and sorting mail and packages
» Organizing and facilitating book donations

The first step toward becoming an NPR west volunteer is completing a Volunteer Application (.doc). This will allow our volunteer coordinator to match your interest with our needs. Simply complete and return the form and our volunteer coordinator will contact you for a volunteer orientation.

Please note: NPR West Volunteers must be at least 16 years old to participate.


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