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Johnston teens perform for charity

While Matt Zinselmeier jumped around the stage in the auditorium at Johnston Middle School, singing a Rage Against the Machine song, he was putting his hand in an effort to raise money for a charity. More

Pros, cons of Johnston's freshman seminar discussed

Johnston school board officials met Monday night to continue the discussion of a controversial class that has come under fire from parents. The class, freshman seminar, is required for all ninth-graders in the Johnston school district. More

Johnston students know their Constitution

Nine Johnston High School students and their teacher have qualified to travel to Washington, D.C., this spring to compete in the national finals of the We the People academic competition. More

Johnston school foundation seeks nominations

Nominations are due Feb. 1 for the Johnston Community School Foundation's annual awards. More

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By JoanneBoeckman:
From: Des Moines Register
1/13/2009 5:01 PM CST

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