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Daniel Finney: DM in the PM
Bad Idea, Worse Idea; Too many hush puppies, Suburban blotter and Cop shop cleaning
January 14, 2009

From the case files of the Des Moines police:Today's edition of Bad Idea, Worse Idea:Bad Idea: A 57-year-old woman from Des Moines' west side let...

Jason Pulliam: Des Moines / Polk Co. government
Advocates question new report on homelessness
January 14, 2009

• A point-in-time report released this week by the National Alliance to End Homelessness showed a 66-percent drop in homelessness across Iowa...

Register Political Staff
Video reminds of flood's devastation
January 13, 2009

The Iowa House chamber fell silent as eyes turned to two video screens during Gov. Culver's Condition of the State speech. Lawmakers, staff, reporters...

Tom Longden: Famous Iowans
Terry's book
January 10, 2009

Needless to say, I have quite a few books on my "to read soon" list, but I'm looking forward to reading one book in particular: "Perfect Soldiers"...

Lee Rood: Watchdog Blog
David Flores: The frustration continues
July 18, 2008

Frustration appears to be the order of the day in the David Flores case. The prosecutor is frustrated because he thinks the defense has accused him...


Karen Mracek: Finance & Insurance
TARP program opens to smaller banks
January 15, 2009

The U.S. Treasury Department released the term sheet and answers to frequently asked questions for S corporations to participate in its Capital Purchase...

Green Fields : Agriculture and Alternative Energy
Vilsack on food safety
January 14, 2009

 Two hours into the hearing, Vilsack finally got a question on food safety - from Minnesota's Amy Klobuchar. She wanted to know what he thought...

Joanne Boeckman: Business: New in the Neighborhood
Torroco! Italian Grill is no more
January 13, 2009

Andrew Meek, owner and chef of Torroco! Italian Grill, confirmed that he's closed that restaurant, just eight months after it opened. It was at 4810...

Dave Elbert and Lynn Hicks: Biz Buzz
Buzz: Fleur Cinemas wants 'debt' movie
August 22, 2008

The independent film I.O.U.S.A. could do to the national debt what Al Gore’s movie An Inconvenient Truth did to global warming.At least that’s...


Sean Keeler: Sports Opinion
When it comes to Podolak, Barta's not the bad guy
January 15, 2009

The easy thing to do is make Gary Barta the bad guy. Too easy, in fact.Barta, Iowa’s athletic director, was in a no-win situation here. If he...

Andrew Logue: ISU Football and MVC Hoops
MVC looking like the NFL
January 15, 2009

You know the theory that says the NFL is designed for every team to go 8-8?I'm starting to wonder if every Valley basketball team has 9-9 talent when...

Rick Brown: College Hoops and Golf
Bronx Cheer
January 14, 2009

Ames, Ia. - A drive home weather forecast is played on the overhead scoreboard during a second-half time out of each Iowa State basketball game at ...

Lance Bergeson: Running and Triathlons
Hear ye, hear ye, marathon registrations
January 14, 2009

I see that registration for Grandma's Marathon in Duluth, Minn., opened Thursday morning at 12:01 a.m. I thought I'd pass along some registration...

John Naughton: H.S. Insider
Greg Gumbel: TV Idol
January 14, 2009

I've interviewed a number of pro athletes and a ton of college stars in my career. After a particularly nice interview with a big-time star, you feel...

Rob Gray: Racing, hockey and UNI
Chops at a crossroads
January 13, 2009

  A break here, a standout play there, and the Iowa Chops could be riding a two-game win streak instead of staring at what they hope is the tail...

Randy Peterson: Hawkeyes and Iowa Cubs
Ferentz, Pioli and the Speculation
January 13, 2009

Scott Pioli is the new director of football operations for the Kansas City Chiefs, and you know what that means: More Kirk Ferentz speculation. ...

Dan Johnson: Women's basketball
Lange memorial
January 13, 2009

Drake is trying to establish a tribute to former center Missy Lange, who passed away in 2007. The university’s alumni office is raising money...

Dan McCool: High school and college wrestling
False alarm
January 11, 2009

 Sorry to get everyone in a lather over a possible Iowa-Iowa State championship match in the National Duals at the UNI-Dome today. Iowa State...


Sophia Ahmad: Entertainment in Des Moines
Don't hold the grease, please
January 15, 2009

Bacon Fest 2009 tickets are on sale! They sold out last year, so get 'em while they're piggety hot. In other dining news, Datebook Diner reviews a...

Michael Morain: Arts in Iowa
Iowan inspires TV's '24'
January 14, 2009

Students often wonder about their teachers' lives outside the classroom. As it turns out, one U of I professor is the White House Chief of Staff...sort...

Cynthia Betts: The Wedding Planner
Wedding Web Sites
January 13, 2009

To run a web site is not an easy task, especially if you want it to be a success.You have to learn what certain terms mean like RSS, unique visitors,...

Datebook Diner: Datebook Diner Blog
Is it time for kids and no-kids sections?
January 13, 2009

Someone recently posted a desire to find a fine-dining restaurant where she and her spouse can enjoy a fine meal without having to listen to...

Community photo blog
Speaking of pet photos
January 13, 2009

Since we are showing our favorite pet photos, I thought it would be a good idea to showcase this. I'm still working on some new photos of my...

Events Center Talk
Rascal Flatts may have the best idea...
January 12, 2009

So I just saw renderings of the Rascal Flatts stage for Sunday night's show at Wells Fargo Arena, and I must say it's a pretty cool concept. ...

Jeffrey Bruner: Green Home
Nissan makes noise at the LA Auto Show
November 28, 2008

Nick Chambers at the blog Gas2.0 makes a pretty good case that Nissan has the lead right now in the electric car race even though it's not grabbing...

Kyle Munson: Iowa Entertainment
Ever eat a beating fish heart?
November 18, 2008

 Just getting psyched for the Celebrity Food & Wine Expo ...  

community movie critics

Damond Fudge
"Slumdog Millionaire": Best Film of 2008
January 5, 2009

As I write this, we still have five award-contending films to reach Des Moines theatres. Still, I cannot imagine any of them will hold a candle to...

Rob Shumaker
"Doubt" Delivers
January 4, 2009

“Doubt” is a riveting and memorable film.  Set in a Catholic parish in 1964, it tells the story of a priest, Father Flynn (Philip...

Edward Allen
Favorite Movies of 2008 - Not Such a Bad Year After All
December 30, 2008

That my two favorite films of 2008 are actually holdovers from 2007 would seem to support the notion that this wasn’t a particularly good year...


Cynthia Reynaud: East/North Des Moines
School closed tomorrow
January 14, 2009

This just in...Due to the dangerously cold air and wind chill temperatures predicted by the National Weather Service, Des Moines Public Schools...

Tom Barton: Urbandale/Windsor Heights
Break-ins in Urbandale and Johnston have police concerned
January 13, 2009

Police are asking residents to be vigilant following a rash of daytime burglaries in Urbandale and Johnston.Johnston police urged residents last week...

Joanne Boeckman: Business: New in the Neighborhood
Torroco! Italian Grill is no more
January 13, 2009

Andrew Meek, owner and chef of Torroco! Italian Grill, confirmed that he's closed that restaurant, just eight months after it opened. It was at 4810...

Lisa Colonno: Des Moines South
Key Plan and Zoning meeting Thursday
January 13, 2009

Will you attend Thursday's City of Des Moines Plan and Zoning Commission meeting? Two hot topic south-side projects will be discussed at the meeting,...

Lars Hulsebus: Waukee Updates
Should Waukee schools have more Early Outs?
January 9, 2009

The Waukee school board will vote on Tuesday on a plan to increase early dismissal days in the district to 29 Wednesdays a year from 13. Teachers...

Gunnar Olson: Ankeny
It's been good: Thanks for reading
January 9, 2009

Today is my last day as the Register's Ankeny reporter, and I want to say thanks to the readers I've gotten to know these past 18 months. You've offered...

Jared Strong: West Des Moines
Should taxpayers pay for college credit?
January 8, 2009

A reader told me this week that it's irresponsible for the state to spend money -- more than $12 million annually -- for high school students...

Nicole Jobst: Urbandale, Johnston, Ankeny
Basketball traditions?
December 8, 2008

Football season for the area high school teams is long over, and basketball season has officially begun across the metro area. It was easy for me...

Todd Erzen: Clive/West Des Moines
Flood, version 2008
June 11, 2008

What are your stories so far? How do things compare to the legendary deluges of the past? Are people evacuating along the Des Moines River or are...


Rekha Basu: Rekha Basu
Global whaaat?
January 15, 2009

I'll grant you, the term global warming seems like a misnomer on days like today. But after the last few days of living in Arctic conditions with...

David Yepsen: On Politics
Iowa Republicans and State Debt
January 14, 2009

Statehouse Republicans are caterwauling about Democratic Gov. Chet Culver’s plan to borrow money to fix up infrastructure.For the party that...

Linda Fandel: World Class Schools for Iowa?
Education and innovation
January 12, 2009

How about investing in education to spur innovation?That’s what New York Times columnist Tom Friedman called for Jan. 10:“One of the smartest...

young adult board

Sheila Lacy
He made it in anyway
January 13, 2009

Well look who made it in the senate seat. He not only went to Washington DC but Burris somehow managed to get everyone to vote him in even after Blagojevich...

Amanda McCluer
Faith and Football
January 12, 2009

     Athlete Kurt Warner is deep into his Christian faith, and tries to use his fame to speak about Jesus. The task, however,...

Nicole VanZandt
January 8, 2009

On Thursday January 1st, 2009 a young man was shot in the back at a Bay Area subway stop after being restrained by two officers. The coward that shot...

Jessica Rundlett
My Facebook Meltdown
January 7, 2009

Lately, the social networking site has become much more than just a website.  With over 140 million active users, facebook is a...

Joel Veldkamp
This is Preposterous
January 7, 2009

Why is Roland Burris’ “appointment” to the Senate by disgraced Illinois governor Rod Blagoevich even a subject for debate? He...

Nick Grove
Most Underrated Story of 2008
January 5, 2009

    Happy 2009 everyone!  Hope the New Year and Christmas celebrations went great for everyone and family did not become too overbearing!...

Melissa Miller
Christmas at Orchard Place
December 23, 2008

On the eve of Christmas Eve, I wanted to report on my Christmas experience at Orchard Place in Des Moines. It was amazing. I literally have never...

Alisha Saville
Where did the time go?
November 30, 2008

With everything that's happened politically in this country since the last time I logged in, I feel it's time to ponder something a little more banal...

Blythe Stanfel
Order Allows U.S. to Take Down Al Qaeda
November 10, 2008

With all the criticism that the U.S. military has taken over the last five years, it's good to know they have thick skin.  The New York Times'...

Chad Ratashak
Iowa Legislators' Trip To Turkey Not the Whole Picture
October 29, 2008

This is not a criticism per se of Rekha Basu's most recent editorial on the trip intended to familiarize Iowa Legislators with Muslim culture....

Daniel Gutmann
One more nail in the coffin for the McCain-Palin ticket
October 25, 2008

The McCain-Palin ticket fails to see the economic reality facing many Americans.  The Republicans may have miscalculated voter response...

Joel Wiborg
Like a Moose Caught in Headlights
October 2, 2008

  Over the last week, I have heard many political commentators and bloggers take issue with the job Katy Couric did interviewing Vice Presidential...

Jill Stuecker
Burundi Coffee
October 1, 2008

I was at Starbucks over the weekend getting a much anticipated pumpkin spice latte (decaf of course), and I noticed a new coffee from Burundi. ...

most recent
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By BrentHouzenga:
From: Des Moines Register
1/15/2009 11:36 AM CST
By RickL:
From: Des Moines Register
1/15/2009 11:04 AM CST
By MenaceSoccer:
From: Des Moines Register
1/15/2009 10:21 AM CST
By BraxtonPulley:
From: Des Moines Register
1/15/2009 10:13 AM CST
By dougpotter:
From: Des Moines Register
1/15/2009 10:05 AM CST
By ErinBoyd:
From: Des Moines Register
1/15/2009 9:32 AM CST
By KellyMoore:
From: Des Moines Register
1/15/2009 9:08 AM CST
By MichaelMiller:
From: Des Moines Register
1/15/2009 8:56 AM CST
By MenaceSoccer:
From: Des Moines Register
1/15/2009 8:48 AM CST
By joehrdlicka:
From: Des Moines Register
1/15/2009 8:35 AM CST


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