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You can now submit your anonymous comments for the 2 Cents Worth column in IowaLife. Some comments will appear in the IowaLife section daily. Because of the large volume of submissions, we cannot publish every comment. Submit your own comment here.

Your 2 Cents' Worth: Thursday, Jan. 15

Financial institutions that claim an inability to track the use of bailout funds should hire a seventh-grade student from almost any school. These youngsters could set up a computer program that could track the use of funds. In the meantime, I suppose lack of accountability will continue. More

Your 2 Cents' Worth: Wednesday, Jan. 14

I think the voluntary layoffs at Mercy is garbage. Why doesn’t the management take time off? Have you ever been to Mercy to be treated? I have. They are already understaffed and more layoffs will mean fewer doctors and nurses. That means it will take longer to be treated. More

Your 2 Cents' Worth: Tuesday, Jan. 13

If the legislature is looking at the smoking ban again, casinos SHOULD definitely be included. Casinos have lounges and bars with entertainment we STILL cannot attend due to the smokers stinking it up. More

Your 2 Cents' Worth: Monday, Jan. 12

My next life I want to be a state worker. They seem to be able to stay home half the time and get paid tax dollars at work! More

Your 2 Cents' Worth: Sunday, Jan. 11

Would someone from any city works department explain why snow removal isn't done "curb to curb" the first time they come down the street. You go out, clean your drive, then that's when they do it curb to curb and leave a pile at the end of your drive. Do it the first time and save money. More

Your 2 Cents' Worth: Saturday, Jan. 10

To the Ankeny driver who hit-and-ran my parked blue sedan: Thank you for adding to the pile of what has already been the worst year of my life. More

Your 2 Cents' Worth: Friday, Jan. 9

Altoona city officials have fooled us again! We are now expected to get a $100 city permit when we have to purchase an already expensive new furnace or air conditioner. I have lived here 30 years and don’t ever remember hearing about this before. You need to include us in your decisions, especially when it comes to our money. We expect more from our City Council - this is a rip-off! More

Your 2 Cents' Worth: Thursday, Jan. 8

Hey you guys who stole my snowblower ... don’t you think the neighborly thing to do, at the very least, would be to plow my sidewalk too? I won’t need my grill for a few months now. I’ll bring the grill cover (you left behind) to the next block party. God bless. More

Your 2 Cents' Worth: Wednesday, Jan. 7

To Denison woman: I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but someone needed to tell you that my constitutional right to marry doesn’t depend on anyone’s interpretation of some dusty religious tome. Did you never take a government class? More

Your 2 Cents' Worth: Tuesday, Jan. 6

News flash to the person wondering if politicians read their Bible regarding same-sex marriage: Not all people are Christians. Not all good people are Christians. Get a grip and get over yourself. More

Your 2 Cents' Worth: Monday, Jan. 5

Thank you to the couple who helped me get up after falling on the ice Dec. 28. Not many people are willing to do that these days. I appreciate their kindness for picking me up and taking me home. More

Your 2 Cents' Worth: Sunday, Jan. 4

Regarding opposition to gay marriage: Just because a majority of people are bigoted doesn’t make them right. And it is the role of the courts to step in in just such a situation. More

Your 2 Cents' Worth: Saturday, Jan. 3

Whoever said government should be run as a business hopefully wasn’t referring to Delta Airlines. I could not live with such a lack of taking responsibility. More

Your 2 Cents' Worth: Friday, Jan. 2

It’s amazing how many Iowa car owners can’t figure out where to put the sticker on their license plate. More

Your 2 Cents' Worth: Thursday, Jan. 1

I just want to say thank you to everyone who “adopted” families for Christmas. You have hearts of gold. More

Your 2 Cents' Worth: Wednesday, Dec. 31

It seems to me that this would be an excellent time to lower the level of Saylorville Reservoir in order to minimize the flooding downstream next spring. More

Your 2 Cents' Worth: Tuesday, Dec. 30

Where have all the snowmen gone? When I was a kid, we would always be outside, making dozens of snowmen. Today it’s just video games. How sad. More

Your 2 Cents' Worth: Sunday, Dec. 28

Cell phones and autos need chips that communicate with each other, so cell phones are disabled when inside autos unless the speedometer reads zero. More

Your 2 Cents' Worth

The Des Moines school district faces $3.3 million in budget cuts. It is time to look at the staff in administration. What do these folks really do in the downtown offices? Put them back in the classrooms! More

Your 2 Cents' Worth: Thursday, Dec. 25

If you abandoned a child in this cold weather, you would go to prison. So why is it all right for the city and railroad to evict the homeless people on the river? Why not wait until spring? More

Your 2 Cents' Worth: Wednesday, Dec. 24

It’s time to reign in the Department of Natural Resources. They are not a financial institution. They shouldn’t have loaned a half a million dollars to the Regency Companies for the recycling center, nor are they a developer. They had no business developing a park at Rathbun. They need to stick with cleaning up the water and the air. More

Your 2 Cents' Worth: Tuesday, Dec. 23

What has happened to the mail service in West Des Moines? I often get my mail in the evening around 7 p.m. or so and it is frequently someone else’s. More

Your 2 Cents' Worth: Monday, Dec. 22

Submit your anonymous comments for the Your 2 Cents’ Worth column in IowaLife via the Web at Find more comments online. More

Your 2 Cents' Worth: Sunday, Dec. 21

A way for Des Moines to generate money and keep the city employees working: hire a logger to come in to the Des Moines parks and log the mature trees; i.e., walnut and oak trees, and require all bicycles have a license. More

Your 2 Cents' Worth: Saturday, Dec. 20

Urbandale man: I'm glad you got a ticket. A stop sign means a full stop. Always. I'm tired of drivers rolling through intersections without stopping. More

Your 2 Cents' Worth: Friday, Dec. 19

Submit your anonymous comments for the Your 2 Cents’ Worth column in IowaLife via the Web at Find more comments online. More

Your 2 Cents' Worth: Thursday, Dec. 18

Submit your anonymous comments for the Your 2 Cents’ Worth column in IowaLife via the Web at Find more comments online. More

Your 2 Cents' Worth: Wednesday, Dec. 17

I am tired of Bush bashing. I am one of the 25 percent, thanks to President Bush, who feels quite safe walking around in the daytime after 9/11. More

Your 2 Cents' Worth: Tuesday, Dec. 16

I am tired of Bush bashing. I am one of the 25 percent, thanks to President Bush, who feels quite safe walking around in the daytime after 9/11. More

Your 2 Cents' Worth: Monday, Dec. 15

If you have to inflate it, it isn’t a Christmas decoration. It’s a pool toy. More

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