The help section provides the viewer with an overview and understanding of the School of the Art Institute of Chicago's (SAIC's) web site. It also introduces the tools available for finding information quickly. These navigation tools are broken down by their specific location on the web page: left column or right column. The general section refers to information that is of general interest to all.


Text Size

1. How to change the text size from your keyboard:

Mac users:
Larger: Hold "Command (Apple)" and the "+" key together.
Smaller: Hold "Command (Apple)" and the "-" key together.

Windows/PC users:
Larger: Hold "Control" and the "+" key together.
Smaller: Hold "Control" and the "-" key together.

*IE Users on Windows will need to use the "View > Text Size" menu.


2. How to select the "Preferences" from your browser's menu to choose a larger default text (font) size.

Your "Preferences" menu can be found under the web application's (e.g., Firefox or Safari) menu at the top, left of your web browser. Other browsers may vary.




MENU = Main Navigation (left column, top)
The site's main navigation is located in the top, left column of each web page and is labeled "MENU." The menu represents the main information sections of SAIC's web site. Listed after each section title are the first-level sub-section titles. If you would like to view all sub-sections, open the Sitemap link (available at the top, right column).

MENU Sections

About SAIC — Welcome, Projects and initiatives, At a Glance, Tour residence halls, Tour resources, Tour studio departments, Contact us, Our history, Our mission, The museum, Chicago, How to get here, Jobs at SAIC

Admissions and financial services — Undergraduate admissions, Graduate admissions, International admissions, For parents, Request information, Online Application, Visit the campus, Tuition and fees, Financial aid and scholarships, Student and faculty blogs

Departments, degrees, and academic resources — Introduction, Academic calendar, Departments, Undergraduate degrees, Graduate degrees, Post-Baccalaureate and certificate, Courses, Academic resources, Libraries

Adult, children's, high school, summer, and teacher courses — Welcome and calendars, Course listings - online, Course schedule - print version, Request information, Adult continuing education, Adult and college student summer degree courses, Ox-Bow school of art, Teacher programs, Early College Program for high school students, Children and family courses and camps

Student life and services — Welcome, For parents, Orientation, Community and diversity, Student-led organizations, Student services, Financial services, Housing, Policies and procedures, Graduation

Faculty — Faculty by department/program, Faculty alpha listing

Alumni — News and announcements, Events and exhibitions, Alumni association, Career Development, Support SAIC, Alumni gallery, Alumni profiles, Contact info

Art and design at SAIC — Event Calendar, Public programs and events overview, Gene Siskel film center and gallery space, Poetry center, Betty Rymer Gallery, Gallery 2/project space, Student union galleries, Visiting artist program, Support SAIC, Rental space, How to get here

Events and exhibitions — Online gallery, Community profiles, SAIC wired

News — Highlights, Press releases, Press kit, Projects and initiative


Important: Navigating Within the Menu
Text in the menu (left column) is linked to content on the web site (displayed in the right column). Clicking on a menu item opens and displays sub-sections of that item; selecting a sub-section from that left column menu will open the information in the right column.


Menu Colors
Gray — Main sections (see the 10 sections below)
Green — Sub-sections
Orange — Lower sub-sections


Other Navigation
You will always have access to the left menu. Also available will be new links displayed within the information in the right column. These links will use the + and - symbols, as well as colored text (see the Right Column section below for information on +/- and text links).


Take Action Links (left column, bottom)
These links are located under the main navigation and provide you quick access to areas of the site that allow you to take action.

Apply — Links directly to information about how to apply to the School including the online application forms

Request Info — Links to request information forms where you can ask to receive further communications about the School's programs

Contact — Access to the School's online Staff/Faculty directory, ask a question, and request info forms

Tour — Take a tour of SAIC's studio departments, resources or residence halls through online image galleries of our facilities or schedule an on campus tour

Give — Support the School of the Art Institute of Chicago


Search Box (left column, bottom)
Simply type in keywords and hit your computer's return/enter button to search the School's website.


Events (left column, box at bottom)
Current and upcoming events are displayed here. Click on an event to find out further information. Click on the word EVENTS to go to the Events section of the SAIC web site.



The right column displays the main information of the web site.

Home Page: Skycam Image — Chicago Sky (right column, home page image)
The SAIC skycam concept was conceived by SAIC's web steering committee member, multimedia artist, and Art and Technology Studies Associate Professor Tiffany Holmes.

"The Chicago sky is incredibly variable, but often it is blue, or bluish gray. I thought that using a webcam image would help to provide not only variation in the image but also relevant information about weather in real time. The image helps to remind visitors that the virtual location of the SAIC webpage in cyberspace is an illusion; the school is a real place, with an ever-changing sky, and a continuously evolving curriculum, faculty and student body. As we discussed the idea in the steering committee meeting, we all became excited about the possibilities and went forward with the idea. We all liked the notion of presenting visitors with a splash page of a backdrop derived from the general Chicago environment. As visitors clicked to drill down into the site they encounter more localized images from different studios, departments, etc.'

— Tiffany Holmes, Associate Professor, Art and Technology Studies


Home Page: SkyCam Links (right column, on Skycam image)
Within the image of the Chicago sky there are eight community links: wired*, profiles*, school, about, news, museum, events*, and gallery*.

School Wired* — Includes links to SAIC podcasts, blogs, Free Radio, F News Magazine, Fzine for high school students and teachers and Student Union Gallery

School Community Profiles* — Includes art work, web pages, background information, personal statements, current interests, and experiences at SAIC of various students, faculty and alumni

School of the Art Institute of Chicago — Welcome, Letter from the President of the School

About Chicago — Provides information about Chicago, our campus

News School — Provides information regarding SAIC's top stories and media contacts

Museum — The Art Institute of Chicago — A quick link to the The Art Institute of Chicago museum website

School Events* — Provides calendars of today and tomorrow's events; academic calendar for the degree program and the ACE (adult), Early college program or high school students and children's continuing education programs, this month's events, and quick links to SAIC's public programs web pages

Art Design Gallery* — Provides galleries of work by students, faculty, and alumni from the school; department portfolios; and exhibitions, projects, and thesis abstracts

*These community links appear on all web pages, located in the gray bar below the main information. (See Community Quick Links below.)



Home Page: Skycam Caption Links (right column, below Skycam image)
Beneath the Skycam image on the home page, you will find Chicago's date, time and weather. The sun symbol image links to WeatherBug that provides the current Chicago weather or a 7 day forecast.


Web Page Images — Art, Places, People & More (right column, background image)
The design of the web page blocks out the middle section of the background image to display the information. You can view the full image by clicking on [view full size] in the caption below the image.


Information (right column, content)
This is the area of the web page where the specific content is displayed. To navigate the Information area:

+/- and [-] Links

All links on the green and orange information pages (right column) use a + (plus) or - (minus) to indicate whether the section's information is open or closed. A linked item that has a + before it can be clicked on to open and display information and/or more links.

As you click on a linked item and open it, the + becomes a -. Clicking on the - will close the section and return it to its previous state.

Another way to close a right column section is by clicking on the [-] symbol. It is located at the bottom, right of each open section.


Text Links

Within a page's content, you will find that other links are available. These links do not have the usual underline, but are rather color-coded based on their page level. For example, links on an orange page are in an orange font and links on a green page are in a green font.


Helpful Links (right column, top)

Home — The home link will return you to the site's home page,

Calendar — Calendars of today and tomorrow's events; academic calendar for the degree program and the ACE (adult), Early college program or high school students and children's continuing education programs, this month's events, and quick links to SAIC's public programs web pages

Portal — SAIC Portal is a secure site that provides students, faculty and administrative staff with Intranet and Internet services. This is where the SAIC community can check e-mail, keep a personal calendar, get the information you want in the organized way you want to see it, interact with your peers, explore the internet and much more.

Libraries — Links to the John M. Flaxman Library, Ryerson and Burnham Libraries, MacLean Visual Resource Center, and special collections web pages

Sitemap — A quick look at the structure of the SAIC web site. All directory headings and sub-headings are available here to familiarize yourself with the structure of the site. You can also click on any item and link to that location within the site.

Help — This link opens this current page of helpful information.


Highlights (far right column)
This column of images are quick links to events highlighted for your easy access. Roll over the image to receive a short description of the event, click on it to go to further information about it. You can click on the word "Highlights" to go to the Highlights section.


Community Quick Links (gray bar, below content)

These quick links to the community content section of the site include "wired," "events," "profiles" and "gallery." They are available on each page within the gray bar of the information displayed in the right column. These links are also available on the home page sky image.

Wired — Includes links to SAIC podcasts, blogs, Free Radio, F News Magazine, Fzine for high school students and teachers and Student Union Gallery

Events — Provides calendars of today and tomorrow's events; academic calendar for the degree program and the ACE (adult), Early college program or high school students and children's continuing education programs, this month's events, and quick links to SAIC's public programs web pages

Profiles — Includes art work, web pages, background information, personal statements, current interests, and experiences at SAIC of various students, faculty and alumni

Gallery — Provides galleries of work by students, faculty, and alumni from the school; department portfolios; and exhibitions, projects, and thesis abstracts


Site Terms and Conditions (right column, bottom)

Provided at the bottom of each web page is a link to the site's terms and conditions which includes information regarding the following: Link exchange policy; Copyrights; Fair use; Obtaining permission; Trademarks; Disclaimer of warranties; Limitation of liability; Postings on the site; Third party sites; Submissions; DMCA; Severance and waiver; Choices of law and jurisdiction; Entire agreement.