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Map@Syst Community Page

Last Updated: October 01, 2008 Related resource areas: Geospatial Technology

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Map@Syst is a community of practice devoted to the outreach and education for geospatial technologies and their application to today's world. The Map@Syst community provides information on using geospatial technologies and how geospatial technologies are making a difference in peoples’ lives.

Map@Syst is responsible for the Geospatial Technology resource area within eXtension.

About Map@Syst
The Map@syst resource team began it's collaboration as an outreach and education effort through the National Geospatial Technology Extension Network (NGTEN) to provide clientele and other Internet visitors with a single source of reliable and up-to-date information. We strive to provide baseline information on geospatial technologies, a knowledge base of frequently asked questions, and access to science based peer reviewed articles and guides.

What Does the Map@Syst Community Provide?
We are developing on-line learning modules that you can use, or direct others to as a learning resource. Initial on-line modules focus on basic information about geospatial technologies, and future courses will focus on specific tasks and techniques.

Meet our Map@Syst Experts:
Map@Syst experts are here to work directly with you through this online resource that enables you to have access to a virtual network of experts who have volunteered to act as a resource in this fast paced environment.

John Nowatzki, North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND
Greg Bonynge, University of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI
Stewart Bruce, Washington College, Maryland
Shane Bradt, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH
Amy Hays, Texas A&M Institute of Renewable Natural Resources, Gatesville, TX
Nathan Mattox, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO
John McGee, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA
Sandy Prisloe, University of Connecticut, Haddam, CT
Barron Orr, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ
Phil Rasmussen,Utah State University, Salt Lake City, Utah

Have a specific question? Try asking one of our Experts

Unlike most other resources on the web, we have experts from Universities around the country ready to answer your questions.


Bruce Marcet on 09.15.08 at 08:01 PM
Hello, I am a geocacher and I just read about your "Map@syst geocoin ' on a forum I visit...I would like to request 1 of these coins to activate & release here in the central valley of California......Thank you for your consideration...
Louis Meyer on 09.18.08 at 12:58 AM
I would like to place a coin where I live and do not have Geospatial Extension Specialist in our area yet. What can I do.
Chris on 09.19.08 at 02:14 AM
I wish to be part of the geocoin offer. Thanks Chris Zork V
Melissa Stitzer on 09.19.08 at 02:20 AM
My partner and I would like to get a coin to stash in cache in our area - Central Pa (near PSU.) Dave and Melissa
Jim Beurrier on 09.19.08 at 12:29 PM
I would love to help you launch a coin. Contact me and I will be happy to place it in a cache and see where it goes. I would have applied but couldn't find a location on your web site for this. Jim My geocaching name is "Butterdish" if you would like to look at my profile.
Donna Bourne on 10.05.08 at 03:13 AM
Hi, am in Washington State, fairly new to geocaching. Would love to get a coin to start! ;)

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