NIH Telephone & Services Directory

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Training and Education
Office of the Director - NIH Training Center, Workforce Support and Development Division (WSDD) Human Capital Group (HCG)
176. NIH Training Center (NIHTC)

The NIH Training Center offers the following services:

  • Timely agency-specific training for NIH employees in the areas of:
           Administrative Systems
           Employee Skills
           Procurement and Financial Management
           Communication and Collaboration
           Management, Supervision and Leadership Development
  • Customized Training
  • Performance Consulting
  • Retreat Planning
  • Workshop and Seminar Planning
  • Executive Coaching
  • Competencies
  • Fall in Love with the NIH Orientation Program
  • Learning Management System
  • Support for the following Career Development Programs:
           NIH Management Internship Programs -
           Presidential Management Fellows Program -
           HHS Emerging Leaders Program -
           NIH Senior Leadership Program -

    Visit our online catalog of course offerings:

    Access our Quarterly Newsletter "Highlights" online

    Training nomination forms should be completed and approved at the IC level and forwarded to the NIH Training Center via NIHITS.

    Page Last Reviewed: 07/09/08
    To Revise this Information Contact: NIH Telephone Directory Services


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