Subpart B--Privacy Act

Sec. 4.27  Procedures for making requests for correction or amendment.

    (a) Any individual, regardless of age, who is a citizen of the
United States or an alien lawfully admitted for permanent residence
into the United States may submit a request for correction or amendment
to the Department. The request should be made either in person or by
mail addressed to the Privacy Officer who processed the individual's
request for access to the record, and to whom is delegated authority to
make initial determinations on requests for correction or amendment.
The offices of Privacy Officers are open to the public between the
hours of 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. Monday through Friday (excluding Saturdays,
Sundays, and legal public holidays).
    (b) Requests submitted by mail should include the words ``PRIVACY
ACT REQUEST'' in capital letters at the top of the letter and on the
face of the envelope. Any request that is not addressed as specified in
paragraph (a) of this section or that is not marked as specified in
this paragraph will be so addressed and marked by Department personnel
and forwarded immediately to the responsible Privacy Officer. A request
that is not properly addressed by the individual will not be deemed to
have been ``received'' for purposes of measuring the time period for
response until actual receipt by the Privacy Officer. In each instance
when a request so forwarded is received, the Privacy Officer shall
notify the individual that his or her request was improperly addressed
and the date the request was received at the proper address.
    (c) Since the request, in all cases, will follow a request for
access under Sec. 4.25, the individual's identity will be established
by his or her signature on the request and use of the Department
control number assigned to the request.
    (d) A request for correction or amendment should include the
    (1) Specific identification of the record sought to be corrected or
amended (for example, description, title, date, paragraph, sentence,
line and words);
    (2) The specific wording to be deleted, if any;
    (3) The specific wording to be inserted or added, if any, and the
exact place at which it is to be inserted or added; and,
    (4) A statement of the basis for the requested correction or
amendment, with all available supporting documents and materials that
substantiate the statement. The statement should identify the criterion
of the Act being invoked, that is, whether the information in the
record is unnecessary, inaccurate, irrelevant, untimely or incomplete.