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California's Water Resources
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Science Program makes $8 million available through 2009 Proposal Solicitation Package
Through the California Resources Agency, the CALFED Science program is seeking to fund research that will fill critical gaps in our understanding of the current and changing Bay-Delta system. The new scientific information is meant to help resource managers and policymakers make informed decisions about current and future Delta water issues such as healthy ecosystems, water quality, and conveyance and supply. A total of approximately $8 million will be available. (01/16/2009)
arrow1.gif NEW AQUACAST: 2009 Water Plan Update
arrow1.gif CA Water Plan Update 2009 Public Review Draft available
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Climate Change

climate graphic DWR released its climate change report which focuses discussion on the need for California's water managers to adapt to impacts of climate change. See the report and more at the newly updated site.




Delta Waterway DWR is the state lead in preparing the environmental review for the Bay Delta Conservation Plan. The EIR/EIS evaluates the impacts of BDCP, including studies on new conveyance and ecosystem restoration.



California's Drought

dry pic California officially entered a drought in 2008, and all signs point to a dry 2009. The drought page includes up to date info on the Drought Water Bank, drought conditions, economic impacts and assistance.



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