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Committee on Ways and Means - Charles B. Rangel, Chairman
Committee on Ways and Means - Charles B. Rangel, Chairman Committee on Ways and Means - Charles B. Rangel, Chairman
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House Committee on Ways and Means

For Immediate Release:
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Matthew Beck
(202) 225-8933

Ways & Means Democrats Support Legislation Providing Health Coverage for 11 Million Children

WASHINGTON, DC — Democratic Members of the Ways and Means Committee today joined colleagues in the House of Representatives to support H.R. 2, the Children’s Health Insurance Program Reauthorization Act. The legislation, which passed the House with a vote of 289-139, will protect coverage for seven million children currently in the program, and expand it to include an additional 4 million children who would otherwise be uninsured.

“With President-elect Obama’s support, we are moving to correct the two misguided vetoes by the Bush Administration,” said Rep. Sander Levin (D-MI).  “During these difficult economic times, we must move quickly to provide health care for children.”

“HR 2 is a real down payment on our efforts to ensure universal access to affordable health care for all Americans,” said Rep. Jim McDermott (D-WA).  “It builds on successful models that have expanded access to millions of children nation wide.  Health care should be a right not a privilege for the rich in America.”

“As millions of families across the nation are struck by job losses and foreclosures they are simultaneously losing their family’s health coverage,” said Rep. Xavier Becerra (D-CA). “The expanded SCHIP program will not only allow families to provide health care to their children, it will free up extra dollars to purchase groceries and other goods that stimulate the economy. This is absolutely the change we needed.”

 “What progress when this Congress and our new President accord such a high priority to the health of our children. It is ironic that once again today the Republican leadership has one complaint – that we Democrats move too fast, to do too much, for too many young children across this country when it comes to health care. We plead guilty, and we will keep pushing to get these children the care they deserve,” said Rep. Lloyd Doggett (D-TX).

“Today Congress took meaningful action on behalf of America’s uninsured children by extending health insurance coverage for our most vulnerable,” Rep. Earl Pomeroy (D-ND) said.  “Congress tried twice last year to extend health insurance coverage for low income children, but the President vetoed the bills.  I’m pleased that under the new President over 3,500 North Dakota kids will continue to have access to the health care they need.  I hope we can build on that number and cover more of our state’s children going forward.”

“Investing in children’s health care is one of the wisest choices our federal government can make,” said Rep. Thompson (D-CA).  “Children have to be healthy to get an education and achieve their full potential as adults.  When kids see the doctor more regularly, they receive the preventive services that keep them healthier longer – and they are less likely to end up in the emergency room, which saves everyone money.”

 “The economic downturn and the worst unemployment numbers we’ve seen in fifteen years are making it harder and harder for families to afford health care for their kids.  That means the expansion of SCHIP is even more important now than it was when we first passed it almost two years ago,” said Rep. John Larson (D-CT).  “This legislation is evidence that the change the American people voted for is beginning to happen. Because, this time when we send legislation to expand health care for uninsured children to the President’s desk, it will be signed into law.”

“Wisconsin already is a leader in providing health care coverage for kids, and this bill will allow us to do even more,” Rep. Ron Kind (D-WI) said.  “In these tough economic times, parents are having even greater difficulty finding ways to pay for their kids’ health insurance. This is not only the right thing to do for our kids and families, expanding coverage will promote preventive care and lower health insurance costs for everyone.”

“Providing for the health of our children is not only a moral imperative, it is also a cost-effective investment,” stated Rep. Bill Pascrell (D-NJ).  “Expanding SCHIP will benefit taxpayers by reducing the costly emergency room visits made by families that can not afford preventative care. Without insurance, families often have no choice but to seek emergency service for ailments that decent health insurance would help prevent.  An expanded SCHIP would help keep children out of emergency rooms, save taxpayer money and relieve overextended hospitals.”

“This legislation will protect vital healthcare coverage for the more than 23,000 kids already enrolled at home in the state version of SCHIP, the Nevada Check Up program.  Expanding SCHIP will also ensure that more children in Las Vegas and nationwide have access to the medical and dental care they need to stay healthy,” said Rep. Shelley Berkley (D-NV).  “Preventive care saves money and this legislation is a wise investment in keeping America’s kids healthy.  Nevada will see a nearly 20% increase in its funding for SCHIP under this package and the $60 million it provides will allow the state to increase the number of families receiving healthcare coverage under this key program.”

"After two vetoes of this vital legislation by President Bush, the action taken by this Congress is a clear indication that change has already come to Washington,” said Rep. Chris Van Hollen (D-MD).  “This Congress will work night and day with President-elect Obama to make health care more affordable and move America in a bold New Direction. It is our goal to have this bill sent to the President`s desk for his signature in the coming weeks."

“When it comes to SCHIP, change is no longer a slogan – it actually happened today on the floor of the House of Representatives and change will be fully realized when President Barack Obama signs SCHIP legislation into law,” said Rep. Kendrick Meek (D-FL). “President Bush vetoed this legislation twice in the 110th Congress. Now, we can truly demonstrate that change will occur in the 111th Congress by providing health care to 4 million more children.”

“Today is a good day for American families,” said Rep. Allyson Schwartz (D-PA). “As we work to reverse the economic downturn, we can and should ensure that our children’s health will be protected, now and in the future.”

The Children’s Health Insurance Program ensures that North Carolina’s children are as healthy and productive as possible and that they can grow up to fulfill their best potential,” said Rep. Bob Etheridge (D-NC). “Untreated illnesses can have long-term consequences, and access to health care can head off expensive treatments down the road.  As a nation, we must protect our most vulnerable citizens.”

“During the current economic crisis, a safety net for our nation’s most vulnerable children is more critical than ever,” said Rep. Brian Higgins (D-NY). "With more than 2.6 million jobs lost last year alone, Americans are seeing the healthcare they and their children depend on disappear.  Helping to provide access to affordable health care coverage is an important step forward in improving economic security and quality of life for American families struggling during these difficult times.”

“By expanding SCHIP we can prevent the future health problems of our youngest generation so that they never grow up to be burdens on the system,” said Rep. John Yarmuth (D-KY). “It makes economic sense, but more importantly, it is our moral obligation.  I urge my colleagues to join me in supporting this important legislation, as we fight to ensure that a sick child in this great nation never has to go without care.”

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