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Search for a Publication


Search for a Publication Go to the Help PageGo to top of page

The Government of Canada Publications Web site search engine allows you to search through our catalogue of publications. By using Quick Search, a Search for a Publication, which is a simple search, and an Advanced Search. Search Tips provide helpful hints for searching.

Search criteria is entered in the field(s) such as a key word which could represent a title, the author's name, a subject, a title, an ISBN, a department or agency, or a GoC Catalogue Number. The search engine returns a list of the publications which match the search criteria. The list presented can be sorted by title, author, a department or agency, or by the year of publication. Each publication can be selected to view its detailed information such as description, formats, binding type, number of pages, price, language, and availability.

Whether you are in the Search Results list or viewing the specifics of the publication, you can select publications to add to your shopping cart, if they are available. When you click on the icon Add to my Shopping Cart, the publication is added to your shopping list called My Shopping Cart. For publications displayed without a shopping cart that you may be interested in obtaining, please call our Customer Service at 1 800 635-7943 or (613) 941-5995.



Quick Search Go to the Help PageGo to top of page

Quick Search is available in the homepage to allow you to do a search quickly by entering a keyword. The keyword entered will be used to search all titles, authors, subjects, an ISBN, a department/agency, or a GoC Catalogue Number. To do a quick search, you:

  • Enter the information in the Quick Search: field.
  • Click Go to submit the query.
  • The Search Results list is displayed with publication(s) matching your criteria.


Search for a Publication Go to the Help PageGo to top of page

The Search for a Publication feature may be used to do a simple search or an advanced search depending on the amount of information/criteria you want to enter in the search fields. The more criteria entered, the more precise the search results list.


Simple Search Go to the Help PageGo to top of page

To start a simple search, you:

  • Select search criteria attributes from the drop-down menu of the Search Criteria field (the default attribute is "Title").
  • Enter multiple key words in the Input Field, or it can be left blank for a broader search.
  • Select Any Word, All Words, or Exact Match.
  • Submit the query by clicking on Go.
  • The Search Results list is displayed.
Criteria Action
Any word Searches in the database for publication(s) containing any of the words presented in the search criteria.
All words Searches in the database for publication(s) containing all of the words presented in the search criteria, in any order of appearance.
Exact match Searches in the database for publication(s) containing all of the words presented in the search criteria, in the exact order as entered.

Remember, for publications displayed without a shopping cart that you may be interested in obtaining, please call our Customer Service at 1 800 635-7943 or (613) 941-5995.  


GO Go to the Help PageGo to top of page

When you click Go, you are telling the system to begin the search. 


Advanced Search button Go to the Help PageGo to top of page

To do more detailed searching, click on the Advanced Search button. Click on Advanced Search for detailed steps.  


Search Tips Go to the Help PageGo to top of page

To help you narrow down the display of publication(s), the use of search syntax or operator(s) can prove very useful. Clicking on the icon Search Tips opens a window which explains how to use these various types of search criteria.  


Advanced Search Go to the Help PageGo to top of page

To start an advanced search, you:

  • Select search criteria attributes from the drop-down menu of the Search Criteria field (the default attribute is "Title").
  • Enter multiple key words in the Input Field, or it can be left blank for a broader search.
  • Select Any Word, All Words, or Exact Match.
  • Submit the query by clicking on Go.
  • The Search Results list is displayed.
Criteria Action
Any Word Searches in the database for publication(s) containing any of the words presented in the search criteria.
All Words Searches in the database for publication(s) containing all of the words presented in the search criteria, in any order of appearance.
Exact Match Searches in the database for publication(s) containing all of the words presented in the search criteria, in the exact order as entered.
Near Searches nearest the number of words you specified. The system uses a default number of 5 words.
And Searches the first set of criteria entered AND the second set of criteria.
Or Searches either the first set of criteria entered OR the second set of criteria.
Not Searches the first set of criteria and NOT the second set of criteria.
Language Searches English, French, All: 
  • if English is selected, the system searches against English and bilingual publication(s),
  • if French is selected, the system searches against French and bilingual publication(s),
  • if All is selected, the system searches publication(s) in all available languages. It is also the default value.
Price Searches Priced, Free, Both: 
  • if Both is selected, the system displays both free and priced publication(s). It is also the default value.
  • if Priced is selected, the system displays priced publication(s) only,
  • if Free is selected, the system displays free publication(s) only.
Note: Users will not view electronic copy of priced publications, but Depository libraries are able to view electronic copy of priced publications. 
Format searches large print, audio cassette, CD-ROM, braille, paper, diskette, electronic, microfiche, maps, video cassette, and audio CD. 
All. If All is selected, searches publications with all formats listed. It is also the default value.
Year of publication Searches the date of publications (year) for a selected period detailed in the From and To fields.
Display Searches and displays 25 publications, 50 or 100 per page. The default is set to 25.

Remember, for publications displayed without a shopping cart that you may be interested in obtaining, please call our Customer Service at 1 800 635-7943 or (613) 941-5995.


GO Go to the Help PageGo to top of page

When you click Go, you are telling the system to begin the search.  


Clear Form Go to the Help PageGo to top of page

When you click on Clear Form, all the fields in the Advanced Search window are cleared.


Search Tips Go to the Help PageGo to top of page

To help you narrow down the display of publication(s), the use of search syntax or operator(s) can prove very useful. Clicking on the icon Search Tips takes you to a window which explains how to use these various types of search criteria.


Search Results List Go to the Help PageGo to top of page

The Search Results list is displayed with a list of publication(s) which match your search criteria.

The following message is displayed at the top of the list and indicates the number of publication(s) found during the search:

    We found (#) records matching
The information presented for each publication is as follows:
Details Shows
Title Title of publication.
Publication format Format of the publication (default format is print).
Price Price description in Canadian dollars per copy, or Free.
Issued by Name of Department/Agency.
Author Given name and family name.
Year of publication Year of publication.

Remember, for publications displayed without a shopping cart that you may be interested in obtaining, please call our Customer Service at 1 800 635-7943 or (613) 941-5995.


Sorting of Search Results Go to the Help PageGo to top of page

To view publications in a different order, click on one of the options in the field Sort by: to sort your publications by:

  • Title
  • Author
  • Department/Agency
  • Year of Publication


General information Go to the Help PageGo to top of page

Your language of preference determines the order in which the French and English fields are displayed in the window. If French is chosen, the French fields are displayed before the English. This is useful when you search bilingual publications.  


Refine the Search Results list Go to the Help PageGo to top of page

If you would like to change your existing Search Results list, to refine it, use the 2 fields displayed under the title Refine this Search. Select criteria to help you narrow down your search even more, and click Go to start the search engine.

Refine this Search:
Criteria Searches
Title (default) Against all titles in the database.
Subject Subject, keyword, category, abstracts (all abstracts).
Author By author name.
Department/Agency By Department / Agency name.
ISBN or ISSN By ISBN or ISSN numbers.
GoC catalogue number GoC catalogue number, cancelled GoC catalogue number.
All All fields specified in list.

Input field:

In Input field, you may enter additional criteria or leave it blank.  


Commands Go to the Help PageGo to top of page

The Search Results list displays icons and buttons that you may use for the following purposes:
Command Action
Add to My Shopping Cart Adds the selected publication to My Shopping Cart. This link is part of How to Order.
Save to file To export the Search results list, a standard window "Save As" is launched in which you can specify where you want to save the file.
Go Submits the new search query used to refine the search. Conducts the search against those publications found in the previous search.
Previous Moves to the previous Search results page. Only presented if more than one page of results exists.
Next Moves to the next Search results page. Only presented if more than one page of results exists.


Publication Information Go to the Help PageGo to top of page

You have a Search Results list showing publications which match your search criteria. At any time during your viewing of a results list, you may click on the publication title to view its detailed information. The publication details are:

  • A small image of the publication's cover is displayed (if available at the time),
  • To the right of the image, the publication's title is displayed,
  • Under the title, is a brief description of the publication. This will give you an idea about the contents of the publication,
  • The price of the publication you are viewing is listed, and beside it an icon representing its format. For example, a symbol of a book means that this publication is available in print format, a symbol of a CD means it is available on a CD-ROM. Go to Publication Formats to see the icons representing the various formats.
  • A message is displayed to inform you of the availability of the publication you are viewing. Should the publication not be available, our Customer Service can help you locate it. The following messages may be displayed:
    • "Item is available" if the publication is in stock, or
    • "Publication is not an inventory stock item" if the publication is not part of our usual stock, or
    • "Publication is temporarily out of stock" if the publication is not presently available, or
    • "Publication is not being published" if the publication is not being published anymore.
  • If the publication is available in other languages (other than the one you are presently viewing), the other language is displayed. For example, if it is available in French, the word "French" is underlined. This means that it is a link and that if you click on it, its French description will be displayed.
  • Icons of other available formats are displayed. For example, a CD icon represents a CD-ROM. Go to Publication Formats to see the icons representing the various formats.
  • Additional information regarding the publication you are viewing is displayed such as, who issued it, the author's name, its binding. If the publication comes with an insert of some sort, for example, a CD-ROM, the information "Accompanied by CD-ROM" is displayed.


Publication Formats Go to the Help PageGo to top of page

The following table shows some of the icons and the format of the publication it represents.
Icon Format
Icon - priny Print
Icon - Large Print Large print
Icon - Audio Cassette Audio Cassette
Icon - Braille Braille
Icon - Diskette Diskette
Icon - Electronique Electronic
Icon - Microfiche Microfiche
Icon - Video Cassette Video Cassette
Icon - Audio CD Audio CD
Icon - Maps Maps
Icon - Annual Annual
Icon - Periodical Periodical

Contact our Customer Service, should you have any questions regarding the above formats.  


Publication Record Permanent Links Go to the Help PageGo to top of page

Do not attempt to create a link to the browser URL. It will not be permanent.

Libraries wishing to catalogue and link to electronic serial titles should add the permanent URL for the “Master Record” to the appropriate field in their catalogues.

The displayed page is an abbreviated bibliographic record in the Government of Canada Publications database. Records displaying a “Browse Issues” link are “Master Records” for serial titles. Serial issue records can be accessed through the “Browse Issues” link and in the case of electronic serials, the electronic edition of the publication can be accessed from the issue record. Records displaying a “View Master Record” link are serial issue records.


Commands Go to the Help PageGo to top of page

The Publication window displays icons and buttons that you may use for the following purposes:
Command Action
Add to My Shopping Cart Adds the selected publication to My Shopping Cart. This link is part of How to Order.
Return to Search Results Returns to the Search Results window.
Related Publications Provides you with other publications related by subject for your interest.
Previous Editions Displays a list of previous publications.


Order a Publication Go to the Help PageGo to top of page

When you decide on the publication(s) you want to order click on the Add to my Shopping Cart icon presented on your Search results lists.

Remember, for publications displayed without a shopping cart that you may be interested in obtaining, please call our Customer Service at 1 800 635-7943 or (613) 941-5995.

For detailed steps to ordering publication(s), click on this link How to Order.


Search Tips Go to the Help PageGo to top of page

Using the following search tips can help you narrow down the display of publications. Various search syntax or operator(s) can be used to search publication(s), some are preset as defaults on your search windows. Another search syntax to help you in your search is called the multiple-character wildcard (the asterisk *).

The wildcard represents one or more characters in a search term. The asterisk (*) when used in the search criteria field matches any number of characters within a search term. 

For example, if you enter safe* as a search criteria, the search results list will display terms that begin with safe such as: safe, safety. Or, Europ* will display Europe, European. 


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Last Updated: 2005-01-11 Important Notices