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USAID and Johns Hopkins Launch “Family Planning: A Global Handbook for Providers”

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Panelists David Oot (Save the Children), Jim Shelton (USAID), and Ellen Starbird (USAID) launch “Family Planning: A Global Handbook for Providers” with a ribbon cutting ceremony.
[From the left] Panelists David Oot (Save the Children), Jim Shelton (USAID), and Ellen Starbird (USAID) launch Family Planning: A Global Handbook for Providers with a ribbon-cutting ceremony.
Source: Lauren Strange/USAID
On September 27, 2007, the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) and Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health launched the newly updated publication Family Planning: A Global Handbook for Providers at the Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies in Washington, D.C.

Family Planning: A Global Handbook for Providers offers clinic-based health care professionals in developing countries the latest guidance on providing contraceptive methods. One of the World Heath Organization’s Four Cornerstones of Family Planning Guidance, the book was prepared through a unique collaboration between Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, USAID, and more than 30 organizations around the world.  

Gloria Steele, Senior Deputy Assistant Administrator of USAID’s Bureau for Global Health, noted “this handbook is as necessary today as was the first edition 30 years ago. While there has been much progress in family planning and maternal health in the intervening years, unmet need is still a challenge.” Steele not only spoke about how the handbook will contribute to the field of family planning, she also said it “represents USAID’s continued dedication to and focus on family planning. Family planning has been shown to be a strong contributor to all development efforts. It provides critical health benefits, including reducing the need for abortion … enhances quality of life by reducing infant mortality and improving maternal health … reduces population pressure on development, environment, and political stability … and contributes to advancing women’s role in society, giving them a means to enlarge their life options.”

Joining her on the panel at the launch were Dr. Jim Shelton, Science Advisor, Bureau for Global Health, USAID; Ellen Starbird, Deputy Director, Office of Population and Reproductive Health, USAID; David Oot, Director of Health, Save the Children; Dr. Irina Yacobson, Assistant Medical Director, Family Health International; and Nina Schwarts, Legislative Assistant to Congresswoman Betty McCollum.

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Thu, 28 Aug 2008 09:09:33 -0500