National Plant Board

Laws and Regulations

The U.S. Department of Agriculture, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, Plant Protection and Quarantine Program (USDA APHIS PPQ) and the plant health agencies in each of the 50 states, regulate the shipment of nursery and greenhouse stock in an effort to minimize the spread of harmful insects, diseases, and other pests. The Federal & State Quarantine Summaries is designed as a reference tool for nursery stock growers, brokers, purchasers, and others involved in the buying selling, and interstate transport of nursery and greenhouse plant crops. It outlines the basic quarantine and other plant health requirements of APHIS, all 50 states, and Puerto Rico. The information presented here is designed as an aid to help users avoid costly delays, rejections of plant material shipments, and introduction of harmful pests into new areas.

The Federal summaries feature the major quarantines that regulate nursery plants and related items. Descriptions include the areas regulated; commodities regulated; a summary of restrictions that apply; and regional APHIS contact information.

Each State summary lists the relevant plant health agency and contact information; definition of nursery stock; general shipping requirements; and quarantines or other specific certification requirements that apply for shipment into that state.

The information contained on this site is designed as a quick reference tool only. Full information on approved treatments and documentation requirements may be needed. Working with plant regulatory agencies in your state and the destination state, as well as USDA APHIS PPQ regional offices in the case of Federal quarantines, is advised -- especially when you are shipping to new markets. (Click here for a listing of State Plant Regulatory Officials contact information and their web sites).

Nursery stock quarantines and certification requirements are subject to frequent change. Though this site will be updated periodically, coordination with both your state and the destination state plant regulatory agencies may be necessary to stay up-to-date on revised requirements.

This information does not supplant or replace the Code of Federal Regulations (see Title 7 Agriculture, Chapter III APHIS), and/or state statutes. This site is designed as an aid in determining basic quarantine information, and should not be relied on exclusively when making purchasing and transportation decisions.

The information, as provided, is for informational purposes only and should not be interpreted as complete, nor should it be considered legally binding.


State Current as of: Word PDF
AL July 2005 msword.gifWord pdflogo.gifPDF
AK November 2007 msword.gifWord pdflogo.gifPDF
AR March 2008 Word PDF
AZ August 2005 Word PDF
CA July 2005 Word PDF
CO March 2008 Word PDF
CT January 2009 Word PDF
DE May 2005 Word PDF
FL October 2008 Word PDF
GA August 2008 Word PDF
HI October 2005 Word PDF
IA May 2008 Word PDF
ID January 2008 Word PDF
IL February 2005 Word PDF
IN August 2008 Word PDF
KY March 2008 Word PDF
KS December 2006 Word PDF
LA May 2008 Word PDF
MA May 2007 Word PDF
MD January 2008 Word PDF
ME November 2007 Word PDF
MI May 2008 Word PDF
MN February 2008 Word PDF
MO June 2008 Word PDF
MS August 2008 Word PDF
MT July 2008 Word PDF
NC July 2008 Word PDF
ND June 2008 Word PDF
NE May 2008 Word PDF
NH February 2007 Word PDF
NJ November 2007 Word PDF
NM November 2005 Word PDF
NY July 2005 Word PDF
NV November 2007 Word PDF
OH May 2008 Word PDF
OK February 2008 Word PDF
OR May 2008 Word PDF
PA November 2007 Word PDF
PR November, 2008
Word PDF
RI January 2006 Word PDF
SC October 2005 Word PDF
SD December 2006 Word PDF
TN July 2005 Word PDF
TX January 2008 Word PDF
UT May 2005 Word PDF
VT August 2006 Word PDF
VA October 2008 Word PDF
WA June 2006 Word PDF
WI June 2008 Word PDF
WV October 2008 Word PDF
WY September 2005 Word PDF
Federal December 2005 Word PDF