eNotes - National Association of Conservation Districts


May 28, 2008
index to previous eNotes

  1. Farm Bill Veto Overridden
  2. Congress Focuses on Supplemental Spending
  3. NACD Travels to Puerto Rico to Connect with Districts
  4. USDA Authorizes CRP Use for Livestock Feed
  5. Register Today for NACD's 2008 Legislative Conference
  6. TogetherGreen Invests in the Power of Individuals
  7. NACD Welcomes New Member Data Manager
  8. EPA Offers New Water Quality Standards Online Training Course
  9. NACD Calendar of Events

1. Farm Bill Veto Overridden

Last week, Congress overwhelmingly voted to override the President’s veto of the 2008 Farm Bill. While a clerical error resulted in the omission of the trade portion of the bill, 14 of the 15 titles of the bill were passed into law including the Conservation Title. Congressional leadership is reviewing options with parliamentarians for how to resolve the issue regarding the omission of the Trade Title and a final decision regarding next steps is expected to be known when Congress returns following the Memorial Day recess. A summary of specific provisions of the conservation title is available on NACD’s website.

Conservation districts did a commendable job communicating with their Senators and Representatives throughout the final push for the 2008 Farm Bill. Strong grassroots responses to NACD’s calls to action from districts across the country ensured NACD and conservation district priorities and concerns were known on Capitol Hill.

With Congress at home this week during the recess period, now is an excellent opportunity to follow up with your Members of Congress and extend your appreciation for their hard work on the 2008 Farm Bill and the strong support it provides for locally-led conservation of our natural resources. For specific information on how your members of Congress voted in last week’s veto override, visit the U.S. Senate and the U.S. House websites.

2. Congress Focuses on Supplemental Spending
Last week the Senate passed a supplemental fiscal year (FY) 2008 appropriations bill that included war funding as well as a long list of domestic programs. The list includes funding for a new GI Bill, additional funds for the Rural Schools program and money for wildfire suppression and coastal restoration, among other priorities. President Bush has threatened to veto the supplemental bill because of the additional domestic spending included in it. The current version of the Senate supplemental appropriations bill spends about $10 billion more than the White House requested for the supplemental spending bill.

The House struggled the previous week to pass its own version of the supplemental spending bill. While the House was able to pass funds for domestic programs, unlike the Senate bill, the House bill does not include funding for the war efforts.

Differences between the House and Senate supplemental bills will have to be resolved into one bill once Congress returns from the Memorial Day recess period. With Congress’ efforts focused on passing the supplemental spending bill, work on Fiscal Year 2009 Appropriations bills continues to be delayed. NACD will continue to keep you posted with the latest developments.

3. NACD Travels to Puerto Rico to Connect with Districts
NACD CEO Krysta Harden traveled to Puerto Rico last week to attend a portion of a leadership review activity held by NRCS. Harden’s visit was part of an outreach effort to conservation districts on the island. Harden met with state and local leaders and toured several significant conservation projects in which Puerto Rico districts are involved. One of the major sites was the Conservation Effects Assessment Project (CEAP) in the Jobos Bay Watershed. The project’s objective is to determine the environmental effects that agricultural conservation practices may have on coastal waters and associated habitats, such as coral reefs. The project brings together major federal agencies (NRCS, ARS, NOAA and others) as well as Puerto Rico agencies, the Sudeste Soil Conservation District and landowners.

Puerto Rico districts deal with many of the same challenges and opportunities as districts across the U.S. and are working in partnership with island and federal partners to find solutions to these issues. NACD is pleased to have first-hand knowledge and up-to-date information regarding the activities of Puerto Rico districts. NACD leadership is hopeful this visit will improve awareness and communication with the island’s districts and partners.

4. USDA Authorizes CRP Use for Livestock Feed
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) announced this week the authorization of more than 24 million acres of land enrolled under the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) to be available for haying and grazing after the primary nesting season ends for grass-nesting birds.

The eligibility of some CRP land for haying and grazing provides a critical feed supply for livestock producers facing high market prices for feed. Another potential benefit of the managed approach is that it can also improve the diversity and health of a stand by reducing invasive plant species and can provide long-term benefits for wildlife. Eligible land must have a conservation plan, may not be hayed or grazed during the primary nesting season and will be subject to a site inspection to ensure compliance with the conservation plan. Some of the eligible land or forage on the land must also be reserved for wildlife. In addition, the most environmentally-sensitive land enrolled in CRP will not be eligible for grazing or haying. Participating lands will not be assessed rental payment reduction. However, a $75 fee will be charged to process the required contract modification.

This modification for critical feed use is only for 2008. Sign-up begins June 2, 2008 and all haying and grazing use must be completed no later than November 10, 2008. The management of CRP land by allowing haying and grazing is consistent with NACD policy, which supports managed haying and grazing of CRP acres for the benefit of stand vigor and wildlife. More information this CRP announcement is available on the Farm Service Agency website at http://www.fsa.usda.gov/conservation.

5. Register Today for NACD’s 2008 Legislative Conference
The countdown has begun for NACD’s Legislative Conference, scheduled for July 20–23. The conference falls on the tails of NACD’s Summer Board Meeting, which is held in conjunction with the conference at the Washington Court Hotel in Washington, D.C. Meeting participants will hear from agency and Congressional leaders, network with other conservation leaders, attend a Congressional reception in the U.S. Capitol and have an opportunity to meet with their Senators and Representatives. NACD has also arranged private tours of the Smithsonian Soils Exhibit and a War in Remembrance tour for participants. Tour reservations are made on a first come, first served basis so be sure to reserve your spot today! The three-day conference is guaranteed to keep you on your toes and thinking, so come prepared to learn and interact.

You can register today at http://www.nacdnet.org/events/legconference/registration.phtml.  Pre-registration closes July 11.

6. TogetherGreen Invests in the Power of Individuals
TogetherGreen, a new initiative by Audubon and Toyota, seeks to engage people in land, water and energy conservation. To achieve this goal, TogetherGreen funds and supports innovative conservation projects, leadership development and volunteerism.

As part of the effort to invest in leadership development, TogetherGreen has created the Conservation Leadership Program. The program provides fellowships to promising and proven leaders who are committed to empowering others and to creating positive environmental change in their communities and organizations. Fellowships provide individuals with professional development opportunities, a $10,000 grant to help support an innovative Conservation Action Project and the opportunity to network with other committed leaders. The deadline to apply for a TogetherGreen Fellowship is June 27, 2008.

To learn more about the TogetherGreenFellowship program, including criteria and application guidelines, go to http://www.togethergreen.org/fellows. If you have any questions, please contact Anne Ferguson at fellows@togethergreen.org or 202-861-2242 ext. 3046.

7. NACD Welcomes New Member Data Manager
NACD is pleased to welcome Cherlyn Thompson to the staff as our new Member Data Manager. Cherlyn comes to NACD from the National Grain and Feed Association (NGFA) where she served as Member Services Manager. Prior to her time at NGFA, she worked in member data management for 11 years in both the government and non-profit sectors. Thompson will be a key part of the NACD staff as she works to ensure the integrity of our member database, helping us stay connected with our members. You will also see Cherlyn’s name and face on all things related to conference registration. Welcome, Cherlyn!

8. EPA Offers New Water Quality Standards Online Training Course
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is now offering an abbreviated online version of the Water Quality Standards Academy Basic Course. While the traditional class is administered over five days, the “Key Concepts” online version consists of six sections that each take 15 minutes to complete. The program is designed to be helpful for both those who have little experience with the water quality standards program and others who are knowledgeable about the topic but need a refresher course.

Six areas concerning water quality are addressed using text, links to other resources and video clips. At the end of each section, participants take a short quiz to reinforce what they have learned. Those that complete all six quizzes are awarded an online certificate of completion. To access the online training course, visit http://www.epa.gov/waterscience/standards/academy/. For more information, please contact Ibrahim Goodwin at (202) 566-0762.

9. NACD Calendar of Events
June 8-10, NACD Northern Plains Region Leaders Meeting, Nebraska City, NE
July 18-23, NACD Summer Board Meeting and Legislative Conference, Washington, D.C.
August 3-5, Northeast Region Meeting, Portsmouth, NH
August 10-12, Southeast Region Meeting, Biloxi, MS
August 21-23, South Central Region Meeting, Hot Springs, AR

Note from the Editor:
Last week’s eNotes included an error regarding the Ohio Team 509 Ride. The ride is scheduled for July 5, 2008. We apologize for any confusion.

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