NARC&DC LogoNational Association of RC&D Councils, Inc. photo by Jim Marshall, Potawatomi  RC&D

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National Association
 of RC&D Councils, Inc.
444 N Capitol St. NW
 Suite 345
Washington, DC 20001
202 434 - 4780
Fax 202 434 -4783





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List of Training Courses Currently Available

You – the volunteer Board Member – are the head and heart of the RC&D organization. Your service and passion to the mission of the organization is what makes it strong. As a board member, you have a right to be informed - and trained - to help you carry out your personal and corporate responsibilities in your RC&D governing body.

The purpose of the National Association of RC&D Councils' Training Program is to provide the guidance and information you need to become an exceptionally prepared Board member.

The old saying "If you don’t know where you are going, any road will do" rings true in RC&D. High performance RC&D Councils do not passively and contentedly take one day at a time in their work in the community. Successful RC&D organizations share common characteristics.

They are dynamic organizations whose focus is on achieving their mission, meeting real human needs and sustaining a quality environment for everyone.

  1. Take careful and calculated risks, have high energy and are committed to their mission.
  2. Have board and staff relations with good chemistry, common vision, clear communication and mutual respect.
  3. Do not encounter roadblocks, only detours.

It takes courage, passion, finesse and strategy to attain success... and a lot of hard work. But few things are more satisfying than being part of a successful RC&D team making great things happen in a community.

Training classes are now available free of charge for state and regional association meetings from the National Association of Resource Conservation and Development Councils.  Our training programs listed below are funded though a cooperative agreement with the NRCS:

Area Planning:  Putting together the pieces- Securing your $’s   PART 1  Planning and implementation are the central functions of an RC&D Council.  This material will provide information to the council members and staff on the process which enables the integration of local RC&D Goals with new National Goals and Priorities to ensure your council maintains its’ funding.  Minimum one hour

Area Plan Part II: Making SMART Decisions.  RC&D area plans are now required to have SMART goals (Specific, Measureable, Attainable, Results Oriented and Timely).  This program will help you to understand the process of creating smart goals and to have the ability to produce them easily.  Minimum one hour 

Director’s Training:  The Who What When (new edition)  You, the volunteer Board Member, are the heart and head of the RC&D organization.  As a Board Member, you have the right to be informed and trained to help carry out your personal and corporate responsibilities in your RC&D governing body.  This session will help to provide guidance and information on the RC&D program and non-profit management for both the new and the experienced Board Member.  Minimum one hour

Circle of Diamonds:  Standards of Excellence  Membership in NARC&DC’s Circle of Diamonds shows the honesty, integrity and strong commitment of Councils to the RC&D mission, and to public accountability.  This brief presentation will discuss the program and simplicity of the application process.  Minimum 25 minutes

Two Cents Worth:  Fiduciary Responsibilities of a Board for Project Planning and Administration
While planning and administrating your projects you need to consider your fiduciary oversight, which includes program, financial, legal and organizational responsibilities.  Spend time in this session understanding basic terminology and best practices.  Minimum one hour.


Two Cents Sense:  Have It or Lose It  Spend time in this session discussing legal expectations for projects and grants, risk management, pass throughs and ways to avoid trouble.  Minimum one hour.

Achieving a Sense of Community:  Outreach to Volunteers  This program will help your council address the issue of recruiting volunteers from all populations within your RC&D Area.  If you are in need of volunteers or just new ways to look at your community and its population, this program will help to address the issues.  Minimum one hour.

Sustainable RC&D Councils Part 1: Survival Tactics  Making your RC&D Council a sustainable and viable vehicle for the future of your community takes knowledge.  This class will look at the different ways that a council can increase its sustainability; including basic fundraising tactics.  Minimum 90 minutes.

Sustainable Councils Part 2: External Communications:   Use It or Lose It  How is your RC&D Council perceived?  Are your publications read and valued?  How easy is it to navigate your website?  Do you take exciting photos?  This session will discuss strategies to identify your key messages and ways to present them to your public.  Minimum one hour for basic class—3 hours for workshop.

Sustainable Councils Part 3:  Contract Basics:  Know Your Rights and Risks  Class title says it all.  This is the basic information class on contracts.  Minimum one hour.

Sustainable Councils Part 4: Hiring 101:  The Rules Have Changed  This program will help to bring awareness of the new rules that you will need as you grow and begin to hire or add to your workforce.  Looking to hire employees, this class is designed for you. Minimum one hour

Working with Tribes: First Step   A first step in working with a different culture is to recognize and accept differences in cultures.  This program will begin to help RC&D Councils to understand the forces affecting each person and organizations represented within the many tribes in our Nation.  Minimum one hour

For Further Information, please contact:
Donna Hunter, Director of Education


RC&D Making Things Happen


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